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I used them in Peru for the altitude issues, plus coca leaves.  Not sure which did the trick, but the altitude didn't really effect me.

Now, for CH, I really don't think it would do much for you.  It is called nature's viagra, and the people in Nepal are killing each other over it.  If you do decide to try it, look for a good source, other than China.  They are extremely expensive, but they are effective utilizing the oxygen.

That probably didn't even begin to answer your questions, but that was my experience.  Oh, they do give you a burst of energy as well as a boost in the "pitch a tent" category!

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Haha well thats not a bad thing.  I just assumed that the increased oxygen use for the body would be beneficial for the brain too.  Maybe more as a prophylactic as opposed to an abortive, but just a thought. Yeah in my research theres alot of fake and ineffective ones out there, but there seems to be some proper supplements more powerful than the wild, if you find the right ones. I have an affinity towards fungus long before the CH started. so i recently started looking at non-hallu mushrooms that would be beneficial.

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