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So, I don't think my first attempt at shroomery went so well. Has been over a month now, and no sign of development in the jars. :(

Oh well, shall try again.

However, my clusters seem to be returning, or settling into an Episodic pattern (was chronic for over a year). So have ordered some RC Seeds and going to give that a go for 4 or 5 doses, and see if I can put the demon out of business completely.

I ordered my seeds from http://www.alternativemind.co.uk/ in England. Delivery was REALLY fast, which I appreciated, and the prices not bad. I opened my first pack of 76 seeds, and 27 (35%) of them were floaters. Seems a higher percentage than I had before. Will see how the other packs are in the coming weeks.

In other news.... I have left the world of General Manager of my own consultancy business, and have accepted a permanent role at a company on the West side of London. Shall be moving that way once I get my finances on track.

Hope everyone is winning against their demons.


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