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hello from england


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hi all !

just found this little gem !

i dont understand all your terminolagy, but hey we speak the same langauge, just the drugs used over here are called differant names.

im four weeks into a cylce, o2 wasnt stopping it like it usesd too, codeine phospate just makes me light headed but same pain, something i stick up my nose was useless, and im on day three of prednisolene, which has helped in makeing the oxygen actually stopping a attack after 15 minutes, but no cure so far, i have a further two days at 60mg and then back to the docs for one last time.

so, the last resort, lsd, which i have been given by a friend.

i dont know what type, severity, etc, but have been told its "good stuff" and enough for three lots.

so guys, whats the recommended way to start ! need advice as im a total virgin ?

sorry if thats a bit vague !

feel for all of us !




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