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New Poster Old CH supporter - Our Story


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Hello,  My name is Lee Ann and my husband's name is Dan.  We live in Texas.  I still remember the 1st attack in 2003 that woke us both up in the middle of the night.  He has been chronic ever since.

I found the clusterheadaches.com website and immediately recognized the symptoms.  We went to three drs, two of which were neuros, in our small town.  I can't even remember all the drugs he took, none worked.

He was in a car accident in 2005.  He had a cervical fusion because of numbness in his hands.  The surgeon said that he had bad osteophytes that were causing the head attacks.  He was pain free for 2 weeks.  We thought he was cured, but no.

The same surgeon then severed both occipital nerves. Maybe a few weeks of no pain, but it came back.

In 2007 we found a headache specialist in Dallas.  Finally, someone that knew what drugs worked.  He took Verapamil and Lithium for 2 1/2 years.  He also prescribed O2.  For 2 1/2 years, no head pain, but he could hardly get out of bed in the mornings.  Chronic fatigue, constipation, and hand tremors.  And then the head attacks started busting through.

The dr said there were no other drugs to try and recommended ONS.  Had the trial on April 9, this year.  Guess what.  It didn't work. 

Well, we are ready to try clusterbusters and we need help.  Forgot to mention, that some time ago during the past years, we tried clusterbusters, but it didn't work because we didn't do it right, like BobP.  haha  I know most of you and your stories, because I lurk around a lot. Sorry for the lurking, but just didn't feel like I had much to add.

So my question is, where can I find the file that recommends the variety to try?  Also, I think that our plan of attack will be RC seeds until we can get the shrooms harvested.  Any advice?  I appreciate all the advice and help we can get.  We've touched our last nerve, pun intended.

Thanks so much.  Look forward to hearing from all of you.  And thanks BobW for answering my private message.

Lee Ann


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Hello Lee_Ann,

          (((((((hugs)))))))) welcome aboard.I am both a sufferer and supporter,both chronic,so believe me when I say I know what you are going through.

           I would recommend starting with RC seeds because they are easy to get and legal to get in most states.Many ppl use them and never have to go to fungi.

           Now as for growing,I have a lot of info and tips all bundled up in one E-mail from walking others through the process.If you would like to PM me your e-mail addy I would be glad to send it to you.

Stay strong,


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