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Cluster vs Trigeminal Neuralgia


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Hi friends,

I've been having a number of discussions with my house mate about the comparison of clusters and Trigeminal Neuralgia.

If you don't know, clusters trigger (attack?) the Trigeminal nerve, but tend to be in the top of the head, around the eye, forehead, etc.

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) also triggers the trigeminal nerve, but is lower down in the face, the jaw, that region. But can come in clusters, although TN can last days, weeks, months without ANY pain free time, but rather it may come and go in waves, but never completely leave.

I've not read anywhere that describes TN as 'the worst pain known to man', as I often do with clusters. But the descriptions I read about it certainly put it in the same class as clusters, and potentially arguably worse.

So, this is my question. Which is worse?



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my friend has TM, we share same nuerosurgeon. She has had 12 surgeries in 12 months, my surgeon has called it a sucide disease,.....my friend says,....she thinks mine is worse but I believe she is being humble. Personally...it dont matter, we both suffer. I have an immense respect for her as she is a fighter and wont give up until she gets relief. 28 yrs old...

She knows what I go through. Visa versa. I dont wish what either  we have on anyone

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I agree with you CHS, they are both bad and no pissing contest required. My heart goes out to anyone with either condition.

The reason I'm trying to get an understanding of this is so that my friend can have a reference point to what clusters are like. She knows what TN is like to have, although not first hand thankfully.

She knows I have bad pain, she knows it is the same nerve that plagued her mother for years, but in the back of her mind is always that thought that nothing compares to what her mother went through, not even my clusters.

The advantage of my clusters is that I don't have the pain 24/7 like her mother did. And although I'm not in pain all the time, I struggle to get her to understand that it is still quite horrific to live with.

Ironic isn't it, I can write all these great descriptions of the pain that everyone who has it, or supports someone who has it, can connect with. But I can't get my own best friend to understand. Gotta laugh.


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