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Preventive dosing


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ya - i would go 2 months from when your cycle ended. I would then do it every 2 months or 3 months - if u start getting small shadowy like sensations then bust. and then from there kind of time it out. Every 2 to 3 months would work for me. I did it every 2 months for the first year then went to quarterly after that or how i felt.

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I've found preventative dosing is the best thing I've ever done for my CH.  I started out dosing every 90 days with LSA.  after a year it quit working.  Been dosing every 60 days (almost) ever since.  I've tried extending the time twice and twice had a NASTY cycle start almost exactly at the 90 day mark. 

So far as I can walk and talk, I'll dose every 60 days for the rest of my life.  Never again will I go more than 75 days.   :o


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