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have last minute questions

Texas Cluster

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I am crushing Rc seeds now just enough to make sure its not empty..and now have a few questions.

1.30 is a good number to start right?

2. how much water do I soak them in? and 3. how do I store the rest of them so they save? 

I am ready to start this tonight but would like those answered before I do so the faster the better, thanks


Texas Cluster

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1. we usually suggest starting around 10 just to make sure you dont have any advrse effects from them. A couple people (out of ?hundreds) have had a little difficlt time tolerating largerdoses. There are a few things in there besides LSA (ergot related molecules).

That said, 30 has been a good place to start for the vast majority of people.

2. All it takes is a couple ounces of water. Doesn't taste real good so the more water, the more you need to get down.

3. Baggie in the fridge

best of luck,


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Thank you Bob for the response, I had 30 soaking for about 20 minutes I removed 15 give or take, I am 40 with chronic so I'll meet it half way, next dose decide more or not.

will report back in the morning  8-)

  here we go


Texas Cluster

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