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BarbaraD's surgery......

Dallas Denny

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I know many of you know grannyb from the CH.com board.....saw a post from her this morning on the CH.org board and she is undergoing gall bladder surgery in the morning and won't be able to attend the Dallas Meet n Greet this weekend.... :'( :'( 

Thought ya'll would like to know so you can keep the ol "butt groper" in your thoughts and prayers!!


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I know many of you know grannyb from the CH.com board.....saw a post from her this morning on the CH.org board and she is undergoing gall bladder surgery in the morning and won't be able to attend the Dallas Meet n Greet this weekend.... :'( :'( 

Thought ya'll would like to know so you can keep the ol "butt groper" in your thoughts and prayers!!


You never know.  She might make it. 

When they yanked my gall bladder, I was up and walking that night, pretty close to normal (whatever that is) in 2 days.

Thoughts and prayers going out to you BarbaraD.

Thanks for the heads-up DD.


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