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Question about shadows


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I am newly diagnosed by my primary care physician.  I have seen a neurologist once, but he never mention CH.  I see him again next month.  I am convinced my PCP is correct.  After reading these posts and doing my own internet search, my symptoms are textbook.


I think I had two full-blown attacks 3 weeks ago.  No Oxygen, imitrex or anything like that because nobody seemed to know what was causing the headaches.  Had normal CT and MRI scans.  It was beyond horrible, but obviously I survived it.  


Since then I've had just a nagging headache on my right side, some occasional stabs in the eye and temple, stuffy nose, droopy eyelid and constricted pupil.  Am I experiencing a shadow, and if so, does it mean a full-blown attack is still lurking?  I am scared to death of another attack.

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Those are the symptoms of my shadows. If you don't have any meds yet I would suggest you stock up on energy drinks. They're a good weapon to have in your headache fighting arsenal. Also read everything on this sight because knowledge is the greatest tool and there is alot of knowledge here. Keep asking ? The people here are great and understand what your going through.

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My shadows last for 4-6 hours at a time.  They just flared back up, and I know what's on the way soon.  


You need to read everything about oxygen and how to properly use it (my neuro was critical of my request for high flow oxygen).  Also, consider batch's vitamin d regimen.  It worked like a champ for me last year.  

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