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MM induced cluster


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I have episodic cluster headaches for 17 years. this cluster has been one of the worst last 4 months so far. I am on my 4th dose of MM and each time I dose, I get a headache within two hours. Is this normal or is something wrong. Please let me know. 

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Rather common actually. Is it a CH or normal headache? MM can cause a headache apparently. But, aspirin or your favorite OTC is ok to take. There is a current thread regarding this on the board. Pixie provided a very comprehensive article on it there. Wish I had more time to look it up for you. Pull up her profile and it should show her recent posts I think.

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  • 2 months later...

I have actually  found that synthetics along with poor quality products laced with fungus, mold or worse pesticides make many sick and have caused some bizzare effects. Alot of rejected marijuana from dispensaries gets sold on streets. This can be devistation for someone with clusters and especially weak immune system or overactive.

For me my cluster are always triggered from eating. So Maybe it's the stimulation or eating of food. Also I would like to say I recently learn it seams the clusters hit when we relax and we All have such high stress. This release of stress hormones is when we get them....for most of us that's at night around the dreaded 3am market.

I do micro dose with due to less empathogenic response compared to mushies as I call them. 

WARNING: all RC's could make things worse for you as They are hard for us to properly identify. Make sure to indole reaction test on your acid. 

WARNING: sourced marijuana medical or not even from legal states are not all created equal. Every state has crazy regulations some much better than others. Also synthetic cannabinoids have caused All sorts of mental and physical issues. There are many strains and products. MM works for me But everyone is unique like each cannabinoid. Most don't know there are over 66 we know. They work together to create effects and cancel others out.


My words of wisdom are hang in there. Do your research and use a little as you can of All drugs. They work better when you need them. Even organics have dangerous pesticides for some. I have suspected some of these as a possible cause.

I know we All wonder if it's something we have done taken or exposed to; if that be plastic, fire retardants, vaccines, military exposure, enviromental toxins, or emf frequencies and other various chemicals that either trigger or caused our symptoms.

P.S. Anyone can PM me if They need help support of have questions. I have suffered for about 5 years now chronic clusters .  If you want to understand any pharmaceutical  I can likely help. Seach first as there is so much here that is useful.


Please do not correct my typing or spelling. I have confusion after cluster and struggle to talk and think so I so my best.


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