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Oxygen and CMS

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Clusterbusters is happy to share this letter from Representative Andy Harris regarding our work in attempting to get CMS to change their decision regarding oxygen coverage for Medicare and Medicaid patients. We believe this letter moves us much closer to achieving our goals in this endeavor. We will keep everyone posted. This letter is the result of years of hard work by many dedicated advocates.  bit.ly/2EJnRfK

One major factor in getting this across the finish line is the data being collected in our survey that can be found here:https://westga.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cG8Ym1FW8fgs44t If you haven't yet filled it out, there is still time as the survey closes on the 20th of April. If you are over 65 years of age and have used oxygen to treat your clusters, your data is even more important. Please take the time if you can.

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