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How can CH just go into remission


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In the past 12-14y I had 2 years , each about 1y long ,where I didn't have CH.

Isn't that where a cure is?

How could that just happen that it doesn't show for 12-14month?

So our body is not reacting to triggers for the entire year?  It seems to be cured,,,how is that possible and how could we use that info.

Edited by johncluster
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That's the million dollar question.. that and why are some people cronic and some episodic. I ponder the same question countless times.. I know there's others smarter then me so what makes me think I can figure it out.. it's best probably not to wonder. Someone told me it's best to focus on treating them and preventing them with D3 reg and or busting. It's our best chance at a normal life.. 

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