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Floaters in eye related to clusters


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I wonder what this means:

I am in my 6th week of a cycle and have used O2 every day multiple times a day and night. The last 2 days and through the nights all I have had is a fairly constant shadow. Maybe a 3-4 kip. No need to take O2.  But it persists. 

I have had clusters for over 40 years and never have I experienced this shadow thing  

Has anyone experienced this?


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Hi everyone,

i recently ended 6 weeks of cluster misery about 2 weeks ago.  That’s the good news. I started the D3 regimen and no More clusters.  My question today is related to floaters in the same eye that my clusters HAs were in.  I have had clusters for over 40 years.  Episodic. I have never had floaters in any eye. Has there ever been a link between floaters and cluster HAs?  I am thinking it is unrelated.  But you never know since the CH has a mind of it’s own.  Any help on this would be much appreciated. 

I hope everyone out there is feeling OK today.  Love you guys  


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Hey JH,

Floaters happen with age.  They occur when the eyeball starts to elongate from a spherical shape to a grape shaped structure.  This elongation causes the vitreous humor, the clear jello inside the eye, to put stress/tension on the retina causing microbleeds... the floaters you're seeing.  Floaters happen to people without CH.  See your PCP for an ophthalmology consult.  You need a thorough eye exam... The incidence of spontaneous retinal detachment also goes up as we age...  Been there, done it, had a detached retina and posterior vitrectomy to prove it.

Take care,

V/R, Batch

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On a related note, they discovered I had an autoimmune eye disorder called uveitis when I had the detached retina.  As a result of this diagnosis, I took part in a clinical trial of a monoclonal antibody called daclizumab at the National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD.  The informed consent document for this clinical trial of daclizumab was filled with a long list of frightening adverse side effects, but the thought of my retina rejecting me and going blind was a bigger fear so I signed the consent form.  Long story made short, the daclizumab worked, but it destroyed my immune system in the process and I was plagued with all the listed adverse side effects until I started the anti-inflammatory regimen in October of 2010.  I've passed annual ophthalmology eye exams ever since.  It's clear to me and my ophthalmologist, the vitamin D3 has kept my eyes healthy and rebuilt my immune system.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch


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