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There has recently been a paper published on oxygen:

Inhaled Oxygen and Cluster Headache Sufferers in the United States:  Use, Efficacy and Economics:  Results from the United States Cluster Headache Survey.

Authors Dr. Todd Rozen and Royce Fishman

This will be published in Headache shortly, here is a link to the online version.


Thanks to Royce Fishman for sending me the link.


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Turns out Michigan medicaid doesn't recognize o2 as a treatment for cluster headache!Makes you wonder where the hell they get their info?I'm gonna send this in with my rejection!Idiots. 

I know that Medicare doesn't recognize 02 as a valid treatment for CH. 

Though it will take time, as anything with the government does, hopefully, this paper will go a long way toward changing that.

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Thanks for sharing! 

I have never had insurance coverage for 02.  I just pay out of pocket.  I tried explaining to Blue Cross Blue Shield that it would be much less expensive for them to cover 02 than Imitrex injections.  They said I had to have a blood test or something showing my 02 levels were low to deem it medically necessary.  My doctor prescribed the 02 and I had medical records documenting 02 was an effective abort for me, but insurance refused to pay.  I don't understand why they would prefer to pay over $300 for 4 shots over $16 for a tank refill that could abort 4+ headaches. ? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there Kaboom,

FYI I get my M tank refilles with "medical O2" at a welding supply place. They also provide O2 to medical facilities. I rented an M from them for $40/yr. Each refill is less than $10. It holds a shit ton ( one of my son's sayings) of Oxygen.

It is the best deal in town. Ten bucks to abort 20 or 30 attacks.


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