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Wrote this before knowing I had CH.


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Brain Pain:

The illumination,
In advance,
You reject,
I'm rendered naked, and splayed,
Unarmed to your un-welcome intrusion,
Arsenal of prophylactics,
Beaten and humbled, by your stopover.

The thunder is here,
No hiding now,
It's gone right,
Right to the righteous region of the brain.

Knees suddenly relevant,
I rock, back and forth,
Making even a mechanical horsey look dull,

Prayers fly from my lips,
My mind, my soul.

They seem to go unanswered forever,
At certain seconds, that I am positive are years...

I concede my faith...
I am repentant when the thunder subsides.

Left only to wonder if the reprieve,
Was your handy work?

I suppose I'll never know,
Unless my faith,
I allow to grow!


I know this won't hit home with all as all are not religious but I re-read this from time to time to help me remember how far I've come in dealing. Best to you all!

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