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  1. Wowee, details? The world needs some good news and this is fan tastic! Larry
  2. If you contact me via the info at carrolltoncounseling.com I would be happy to speak with the authorities at his college on his behalf. Larry
  3. K Mom, If your son is registered at a college or university, they should have a health center. If you google "cluster headache fact sheet" one of the first few hits should begin with "crisiscenterblog" Give this to your son and the folks at the health center. I would be pleased to contact them if it would help. Larry carrolltoncounselongdotcom
  4. DrainBread, Despite all of the similarities, each case seems to be unique. I have had success with 960mg of Verapamil and now down to 720. Constant shadows, but keeping full attacks at bay. Fortunately, I have high blood pressure and can handle very high dose verap. Not much help to offer you, but thought I would mention it. Larry
  5. Google "cluster headache fact sheet" and keep it with you. This is the information used for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK. Pat, glad you found your way to a therapeutic companion and I hope to see many of you in Chicago. Larry www.carrolltoncounseling.com
  6. Good news, bad news about the age thing: It seems like there are a couple of patterns of etiology. For me, white male, onset at 22 years old, 3-4 years before diagnosis, episodic (every two years), some help with conventional meds (Verap), great experience with O2 as an abortive. Pretty typical, I think. I am 51 years old and have shifted to chronic daily shadows. Only a Kip2, but almost every day. Like that old feeling of suddenly realizing you HAVE to get to the Oxygen, but just as you expect it to explode in intensity, it simply does not. Watery eye and nasal congestion on that side. Interestingly, my 93 year old uncle through marriage is a Clusterhead. I only found this out almost exactly a year ago at my Dad's funeral. Sam's kid was talking about him getting these horrible headaches where he isolates, rolls around the floor, breaks things, and has a huge Oxygen tank in the bedroom...Yep, that sounds about right. I am going to try to ask him about his history. Let me know if you have specific questions. See you in the Windy City Larry
  7. The OUCH CH letter seems pretty helpful in helping others to understand. We should probably re-write it a bit for ClusterBusters, but better check with Captain psiloscribe. ch_syndrome.pdf
  8. Anybody got a link to the NatGeo trailer? Larry
  9. Zac, Send me an e-mail at the address on the website and I'll attach some stuff for your doc that may help. LS
  10. Zac, I don't know how open minded your psychiatrist is, but if it would help, I would be pleased to consult with him or her (or you) as a clusterHead and psychotherapist. Larry www.carrolltoncounseling.com
  11. In current research with psychedelics, there is a clear distinction between recreational and therapeutic use (see www.maps.org ). It's hard to be certain about dose and individual reaction. If you can't find a therapist you trust for some support, at least be certain you have a very trusted other to accompany you through the experience. Give some serious thought to risks and benefits!
  12. Yesterday, in my neurologist's office, in the NHF magazine in the waiting room was this (in printed form): http://www.headachemag.org/Articles/ExpertQnA/QA-Dr.-Frederick-G.-Freitag Larry www.carrolltoncounseling.com
  13. I can hear you, but I am trained to listen for what might otherwise not be heard.
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