I've never tried psychedelic treatment nor do I use prescription meds to treat my CHs (minus an imitrex shot here and there). My approach is a combination of caffeine, vitamins, and exercise plus any other "new" method that has arisen since my last cycle (i.e. D3, licorice, etc.) I've had CHs for 11 years now, episodic, chronic, and now back to episodic with my longest remission being 1 1/2 years. During that long remission, and usually any remission that puts distance between me and the pain of CH, I notice personality changes like you have. I'm much more "chipper', optimistic, and patient, especially with my wife. I'm surprised she hasn't killed me during this cycle considering how impatient I can be sometimes! IMO, anytime the Beast isn't around is a time to be excited, even if it's for a few hours. No reason to let CHs bring me down any longer then the pain is actually there.