well it has been almost two years, and like clock work, the beast is back, maybe a little early, but he is knocking at the door and bring my poor guy to his knees.
Life has been been so busy with the new baby girl, Ella, (9 months now) and homeschooling, and my oldest two starting college. Add a summer full of broken bones, food allergies and 3 months of strep throat being tosssed back and forth amongst the group (we're a pretty kissy and huggy sort-of-bunch)... well time just flies...
- I have only been able to browse the boards occasionally, but have you guys are always very very often in my thoughts... hows, Michael? Hows Ting?The BB, Pixie-elf........ the list goes on and on.....
I see some seeds in the very near future....
....so very thankful for this place...