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Everything posted by didgens

  1. isnt anything worth a try ?? you talk about lemonaide needed for your cocktail. Did you know that acidic things like lemonaide and pickle juice and apple cider vinegar are used to combat acid reflux ? why ? because reflux isnt caused by to much acid its caused by to little. the valve that closes stopping acid from comming up our throats is triggered by the acid in our stomach. if the acid content is not sufficient then the valve stays open allowing backflow. the lemonaide you recommend would cause the valve to shut stopping the reflux.. honestly i have seen the pain of cluster headaches first hand. trying something unthought of is what this site is about isnt it ?? nothing ventured nothing gained. anyway ,, try it or dont. its not like I didnt offer a suggestion.
  2. anyone try a good antacid .. like Zantac 150 or chew on some tums when an attack hits ? I found a single reference that Cluster headache sufferers also seem to sufer from reflux. I know my son does and since he takes tums now when he feels the reflux he hasnt had a headache. if your chronic though I would go for the Zantac first thing out of bed in the morning and and hour before going to bed. worth a try isnt it ?
  3. that is fantastic information .. thank you .. I am definately going to research that more... I know I have been reading that histimine is definatly involved in CH but that anti-histimines have no effect ? any comment on that ? I also know that my youngest (16) came to me on tuesday so miserable (dripping eyes watery nose) requesting something for horrible allergy symptoms .. so I really do think there is a connection ?
  4. my son went from october till this morning without a CH ,, He only had 3 episodes back in October,, we saw neurologist ,, cat scan etc all ok. He didnt have any more,, of couse he was drinking alot of redbulls ,, now this morning he came to campus .. was early tried to catch quick nap in his car (college student) ..then wham .. 1st CH in 3 months .. I am so upset
  5. It rarely responds to medications that are effective for cluster headache. interesting article http://www.mhni.com/faqs_other_head.aspx#CPH
  6. my husband has the SUNCT ( we never identified it before) so maybe my son has a variation. Only time will tell Signs and Symptoms When we discuss cluster headache, we most commonly are referring to the episodic variety. However, about 10% of all patients with cluster headache will have a period in which the disease becomes chronic and does not remit for a year or more. This can either occur right from the first attacks or develop in the latter years of having them, which is the more common. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania is another form of cluster headache in which the attacks are much shorter but far more frequent. This can also occur in a number of variants and may be referred to as the “stab and jab syndrome” and “ice pick headache,” among others. One last type of headache classified with cluster headache is called short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection, or SUNCT. Obviously you can see why, in fact, the pain in this syndrome may last less time than it takes to pronounce the full diagnosis.
  7. However RecurrenceCluster headaches are occasionally referred to as "alarm clock headaches" because of their ability to wake a person from sleep and because of the regularity of their timing: both the individual attacks and the clusters themselves can have a metronomic regularity; attacks striking at a precise time of day each morning or night is typical, even precisely at the same time a week later. The clusters tend to follow daylight saving time changes and happen more often in spring and fall equinox. This has prompted researchers to speculate an involvement of the brain's "biological clock" or circadian rhythm.
  8. mother of son 18 just started with them.. no drugs, smoking or alcohol ,, very active in college lives at home. One thing I did notice with the last two is both times he ate asian food (ie. teriyaki, ginger) and possbily banannas (high potassium ?) and strawberries before getting HA after falling asleep for 60 minutes ?? so something he ate ?? do you all journal your food intake ? bottled water ? additives in food your eating ? just thinking out loud
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