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Everything posted by didgens

  1. So i think eveyone agrees that the cycles hit around the seasons (solstice) change and the equinox's. But i have seen ranges .. ie 2 weeks or 4 weeks etc. Has anyone noticed if the lenght of the "in cluster" has any correlation to how close someone lives to the equator ? ie the closer the shorter the time duration. like 2 weeks if your close to the equator and 4 weeks if your further away .. or vice versa. Maybe the change is more rapid the further from the equator so its a shorter time period .. ie. 2 weeks ? sorry if this is a stupid question.
  2. This board says its the new board .. and the clusterheadaches.com says its the new board .. and i see new posts on both of them ? is there any plan to consolidate the 2 ?
  3. just read through all the posts on that thread thanks. Seems like most HA docs are all about the migraine .. what works for one doesnt for the other more often than not.
  4. http://centralny.ynn.com/content/health/672839/new-procedure-provides-relief-from-migraines-and-cluster-headaches/?ap=1&MP4
  5. Why is it so many here got their headaches around 18 years old ?
  6. sounds like you had quite and expreinece when you where younger (CH's aside). Thanks ,, I have been hoping that my son was only giong to be episodic and only have 3 or 4 of these twice a year .. but no luck .. yesterday he had 2. with the second being, he said, one of the worst .. along with last weeks. ,, so now down the road with armed with all the info from here we go.
  7. Im so sorry about your loved one .. we lost our dog last month (got out of the gate and went for a romp) and i was beside myself, she never runs away and i knew if she could come back she would have. I cried my eyes out.. fortunately for us we put up flyers all over the area and got her back. someone had actually taken her in overnight then turned her into the humane society. but i digress Crying hard like that can constrict the throat wherein lies the vagus nerve. another one that goes into the brain. You all just made me remember that my son was very cholicy as a baby. I have not idea if any of this is connected. but i just wonder if the vagus nerve doesnt get involved at times.
  8. Can you tell me please what is clomid ? Also women are often prescribed testerone we have to have a certain amount
  9. I know on the menopause blogs those suffering with symptoms finally bite the bullet and choose Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and it fix's things then they leave the blog. maybe the case here ,, I have found posts where the people taking the testerone (on this and other sites) talk about its success .. then they are gone. so maybe they no longer need support ? dont know
  10. maybe why the Vit D regimine works .. ?? http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2012/07/27/increase-testosterone-levels.aspx
  11. http://www.paininthehead.org/2011/03/05/testosterone-therapy-for-cluster-headaches/
  12. maybe someone here wants to try it ,, but DHEA can be purchased at most health food stores and vitamin places.
  13. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1253935679/5
  14. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1468-2982.1983.0301041.x/abstract
  15. adding Testosterone replacement therapy for treatment refractory cluster headache. Stillman MJ. SourceDepartment of Neurology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, OH 44195, USA. Abstract OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical characteristics and laboratory findings of cluster headache patients whose headaches responded to testosterone replacement therapy. BACKGROUND: Current evidence points to hypothalamic dysfunction, with increased metabolic hyperactivity in the region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, as being important in the genesis of cluster headaches. This is clinically borne out in the circadian and diurnal behavior of these headaches. For years it has been recognized that male cluster headache patients appear overmasculinized. Recent neuroendocrine and sleep studies now point to an association between gonadotropin and corticotropin levels and hypothalamically entrained pineal secretion of melatonin. RESULTS: Seven male and 2 female patients, seen between July 2004 and February 2005, and between the ages of 32 and 56, are reported with histories of treatment resistant cluster headaches accompanied by borderline low or low serum testosterone levels. The patients failed to respond to individually tailored medical regimens, including melatonin doses of 12 mg a day or higher, high flow oxygen, maximally tolerated verapamil, antiepileptic agents, and parenteral serotonin agonists. Seven of the 9 patients met 2004 International Classification for the Diagnosis of Headache criteria for chronic cluster headaches; the other 2 patients had episodic cluster headaches of several months duration. After neurological and physical examination all patients had laboratory investigations including fasting lipid panel, PSA (where indicated), LH, FSH, and testosterone levels (both free and total). All 9 patients demonstrated either abnormally low or low, normal testosterone levels. After supplementation with either pure testosterone in 5 of 7 male patients or combination testosterone/estrogen therapy in both female patients, the patients achieved cluster headache freedom for the first 24 hours. Four male chronic cluster patients, all with abnormally low testosterone levels, achieved remission. CONCLUSIONS: Abnormal testosterone levels in patients with episodic or chronic cluster headaches refractory to maximal medical management may predict a therapeutic response to testosterone replacement therapy. In the described cases, diurnal variation of attacks, a seasonal cluster pattern, and previous, transient responsiveness to melatonin therapy pointed to the hypothalamus as the site of neurological dysfunction. Prospective studies pairing hormone levels and polysomnographic data are needed.
  16. here is an example http://www.lowtestosterone.com/
  17. Im going to bump this thread for people out there. You dont need to be in a study to have your T checked. I am a women going though menopause and the saliva testing they do to check the female hormone levels they also do for men. Please google Saliva testing hormone replacement therapy. You will find many local doctors in your areas that will give you the kits and work with you to test your levels.
  18. he is 20, will be 21 in november. Started having these at 18. The pressure at the back of his jaw inside his mouth he said cut the pain by 50% last week so it seems promising. There is a doctor here in the states that will inject botox to certain muscles to see if there is any relief. He has an appt with dr. Kudrow on the 22nd since this solstice seemed to trigger some nasty CHs'. Im not giving up on the procedure dr. Shevel is doing in South Africa but want to see what other doctors here think and can offer first.
  19. Thank you for adding the bit about testerone ,, i have been suspicious about hormones for some time now. Can you please let me know what you did to bring his levels up ? did you purchase something over the counter ie. from some place like Max Muscle ,, or did you get a compounding pharmacy to make it. thanks .. also noted in the device write up is something i have been researching .. There is a doctor named in Shevel in South Africa who is actually resecting those nerve endings instead of using an implant with success.
  20. thanks jeebs .. good to know
  21. Hey CHF ,, that link you sent me to had a post at the top about headache being cured by removal of a tooth ??? since my son says when he pushes on a spot back behind his molars he reduces the pain im just curious how many males here still have their wisdom teeth ?? My son never had his removed like i did ? if this is maxilofacial nerve pain maybe its in the jaw ?
  22. thanks CHF ,,, the licorice i had was the kind from australia with the root extract candy. I'll look for the liquid ,, less likely to eat it that way. Have you tried the licorice and/or melatonin ? any success ? I definatly will let you know if he has anything i havnt seen here up his sleeve. Im thinking maybe the imitrex injections (which scare me to death) and definately the oxygen is what i will push for. thanks again all.
  23. please watch Dr. Shevel's bit in the video above.. he's right on in my book.
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