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Everything posted by didgens

  1. we saw dr. kudrow last month,, he is now my sons CH doc
  2. The equinox is comming ,, my son is sneezing ,, fall is on its way ,, i am watching him closely armed with o2 and imitrex injectibles .. i feel like im on the Russian Front.
  3. hey ,, theres nothing bad going on here ,, people just growing flowers and vegetables.
  4. i suppose one could try a netti pot with ice water
  5. sorry for the bad picture ,, but you can see the vagus touches everything.
  6. if you search this site i remember seeing a post from someone saying when the barometric pressure reaches a certain percentage he is guaranteed a CH. you might want to quiz them ? just a thought.
  7. good point ,, yes it has ties to the heart,, many of us menopausal women have heart palpitations brought on by vagus nerve issues involving changing neuro transmitters in the brain due to lost hormones. Anyone here have any issue with heart flutters also ?
  8. one of my problems is with my stomach and acid. it causes such problems with my vagus nerve that my neck and sholders are in consant knots. My loss of hormones have caused a reduction of stomach seratonin that when i take a very small ammount of benzodiazapine everything relaxes and lets go. I just know that as a GERD patient my doctor tells me to sleep with my bed slightly elevated with bricks because the acid will come up my thorat in my sleep (which will wake me up about an hour after falling asleep) ,, so back when i first started reading here i wondered,, i see so many who sleep in a recliner ? I just wondered if it wasnt the acid aggitating the vagus nerve which touches the stomach, heart, intestines and on and on.
  9. anyone in Canada Try this ?? or anyone close to the border that can get one and try this ?? About gammaCore® gammaCore is a non-invasive, vagus nerve stimulator that produces a mild electrical signal which is transmitted to the vagus nerve through the skin. It’s indicated for the acute and/or prophylactic treatment of migraine, cluster headache, and medication overuse headache (MOH) in adults. gammaCore is currently available in the European Union, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Australia, Colombia and Malaysia for the acute and/or prophylactic treatment of migraine, cluster headache, and MOH in adults. gammaCore is available in Canada for cluster headache only.
  10. another article http://www.electrocoremedical.com/data-on-electrocores-vagal-nerve-stimulation-therapy-gammacore-selected-for-an-oral-presentation-at-the-65th-american-academy-of-neurology-annual-meeting
  11. ahhh .. the vegus nurve .. pesky little bugger
  12. thats interesting because 2 of my sons "cluster phases" followed a viral attack within 2 weeks ? so are the phases truely circadian in rythem or do the follow the cold flu season and a latent response to a viral infection, even a minor one that may have only caused slight to barely noticable symptoms ?
  13. Thanks Ricardo .. good articles all,, Purple,, im wondering now if exposing your face with your eyes closed didnt trigger the melanopsin generated by the Ganglion cells in your eye/eyes (not sure if your just one sided or if your attacks switch) to discharge nerve impulses along the optic nerve.. I still think the one sidedness of this might indicate a problem with the photo receptors in one eye. I was researching more yesterday and found a test called a PERG test. I think a company called Diopsys was marketing this (Diopsys@Nove-pERG) that might help test the melanopsin levels in the retina. I'd like to find out more about that.
  14. just more info http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090622064714.htm
  15. so to add ,, Melatonin is secreted into the blood by the pineal gland in the brain. Known as the "hormone of darkness," it is secreted in darkness in both day-active (diurnal) and night-active (nocturnal) animals.[23] It may also be produced by a variety of peripheral cells such as bone marrow cells,[24][25] lymphocytes, and epithelial cells. Usually, the melatonin concentration in these cells is much higher than that found in the blood, but it does not seem to be regulated by the photoperiod. which might explain why after falling asleep the headache begins ? when I had gall bladder attacks my digestive tract would send a signal to my gall bladder to spit out bile to digest a particularly greesy meal. stones would block the pathway of the bile.. my intestines would never get the bile and so they would say HEY GALL BLADDER I SAID I NEED SOME BILE,, so in response my gall bladder would squeeze extra super hard to try to squeeze some out causing excrutiating pain. what if there isnt enough melatonin being released due to a ganglion cell/melanopsin mal function in one eye so the brain (?) over stimulates the optic nerve that the ganglion cells would normally stimulate causing pain ?
  16. Hi ,, I love this topic. so alot of CHR's are one sided .. what if they have an over abundance or lack of ganglion cells in the one eye. The Ganglion cells contain melanopsin. When light activates the melanopsin the cells discharge nerve impulses. these impulses are sent to both the SCN (Suprachiasmatic nucleus) cells in they hypothalmus which causes the pineal to secret melatonin, and to the OPN (Olivary pretectal nucleaus) which controls the pupil of the eye. There is some reference to light depravation testing. has anyone tried to cover the affected eye and not allow it to have any light input during the "cluster phase" ie. equinox, solstice when the earth is tilting and light is changing.. is there any kind of testing for ganglion cells or melanopsin in the eye ?
  17. Another dumb question ,, anyone ever try going to a tanning bed in an effort to "fool" the body's circadian rythem ? or synthesize Vit D ?? thanks
  18. Hi CHF ,, i have a question please ,, my son's oxygen was delivered last thursday,, we used the OXY people that the doctors office recommended. They are a LONG ways away from us so i thought they would balk when we told them where we lived so at first i tried calling all of the people in our area that actually advertise that they supply oxygen and low and behold NONE of them would deliver to our house ?? wth ?? anyway i digress.. the prescription called for 2 tanks .. a large one and a portable one ,, i was not home when the delivered so when i got there my husband said the guy left us an extra portable ,, nice i think ,, then i see the large one .. HOLLY COW ,, its like 5 feet tall .. is that what you all have ?? its really huge ? also the doc said no more than 15 minutes at a time on it at a flow of 8 and that he didnt need to hyperventilate just breath normally sitting in a chair leaning forward ,, does that sound about right ? sorry to hijack this thread with all my questions .. thanks everyone ! just waiting now to see what happens .. my son isnt having headaches right now and hasnt since 4th of July weekend. but sept/oct is when he has gotten them the last 2 years. :-/
  19. is the hypothalmus misfunction a cause or effect ?
  20. Hi Elly thanks so much. One more question, is there any limitation with the device ? My brother has a pacemaker and he cannot go near certain things .. like slot machines in Las Vegas ,, odd i know .. but im just wondering what if any precautions there are for the device. thanks again !!
  21. sorry one more question, is Jan part of the study group in the link ? thanks
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