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Everything posted by didgens

  1. you can purchase L-Cystine here in the states at any health food market http://acetiumusa.com/Acetium/index.html
  2. ok i just cant stop reading about this ... so i found a link where Molybednum can reduce this acetaldehyde so i kept going and found where molybdenum is found in food ,, and i rememberd my son having a long period of no CH's (like the last 6 months) and he's been eating tons of Sunflower seeds (some of you might remember my mentioning that) Human dietary intake and deficiency[edit] Molybdenum is an essential trace element and crucial for the survival of animals.[66] Four mammalian Mo-dependent enzymes are known, all of them harboring a pterin-based molybdenum cofactor [Moco) in their active site: sulfite oxidase, xanthine oxidoreductase, aldehyde oxidase, and mitochondrial amidoxime reductase.[67] People severely deficient in molybdenum have poorly functioning sulfite oxidase and are prone to toxic reactions to sulfites in foods.[68][69] The human body contains about 0.07 mg of molybdenum per kilogram of weight.[70] It occurs in higher concentrations in the liver and kidneys and in lower concentrations in the vertebrae.[33] Molybdenum is also present within human tooth enamel and may help prevent its decay.[71] The average daily intake of molybdenum varies between 0.12 and 0.24 mg, depending on the molybdenum content of the food.[72] Pork, lamb, and beef liver each have approximately 1.5 parts per million of molybdenum. Other significant dietary sources include green beans, eggs, sunflower seeds, wheat flour, lentils, cucumbers and cereal grain.[5] Acute toxicity has not been seen in humans, and the toxicity depends strongly on the chemical state. Studies on rats show a median lethal dose (LD50) as low as 180 mg/kg for some Mo compounds.[73] Although human toxicity data is unavailable, animal studies have shown that chronic ingestion of more than 10 mg/day of molybdenum can cause diarrhea, growth retardation, infertility, low birth weight and gout; it can also affect the lungs, kidneys and liver.[72][74] Sodium tungstate is a competitive inhibitor of molybdenum. Dietary tungsten reduces the concentration of molybdenum in tissues.[33] Dietary molybdenum deficiency from low soil concentration of molybdenum has been associated with increased rates of esophageal cancer in a geographical band from northern China to Iran.[75][76] Compared to the United States, which has a greater supply of molybdenum in the soil, people living in these areas have about 16 times greater risk for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.[77][citation needed] Molybdenum deficiency has also been reported as a consequence of non-molybdenum supplemented total parenteral nutrition (complete intravenous feeding) for long periods of time. It results in high blood levels of sulfite and urate, in much the same way as molybdenum cofactor deficiency. However, presumably since pure molybdenum deficiency from this mechanism is seen primarily in adults, the neurological consequences have not been as marked as for the congenital cofactor deficiency.[78]
  3. last post i promise .. there seems to be some LSD LSA connection to acetedalyhde http://www.psychonaut.com/other-psychoactive-plants/33932-lsa-lsh.html
  4. ok one more comment on this last year he had the same problem ... right after 4th of July hit with clusters for 4 - 6 days ... this year right after 4th of July hit with clusters for 1 day and why would the 4th be significant you ask because FIREWORKS are legal in my city ,, and they shoot them off in the street .. our streets are covered in smoke from these fireworks ... why were his headaches worse last year and not this year ?? because last year they shot off 120$ worth of them this year only 25$ ,, im thinking there may be something to this Acetaldehyde ???
  5. I did notice my son taking TUMS yesterday .. i have noticed that in the past with the CH comes the acid reflux ,, related or coincidence i don't know .. but an observance non the less. Acetaldehyde Exposure Alcohol One of the main significant acetaldehyde exposure routes is through alcohol (ethanol) consumption. Ethanol metabolism starts with the conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde, which is at least 30 times more toxic than alcohol. Ideally, acetaldehyde is then oxidized to acetic acid and ultimately into Acetyl-CoA, which will be used for cellular energy. Unfortunately, in many if not most people, this conversion is slow and not always efficient due to genetic variations of the enzymes that perform this step, insufficient nutrient cofactors or exposure to related chemicals utilizing the same metabolic enzymes and nutrients. The result may be high acetaldehyde levels, which can cause significant damage to the liver where the bulk of alcohol metabolism occurs.1 Other alcohol metabolism sites that expose tissue to acetaldehyde’s damaging effects are the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract and in particular, the brain.2-3 Alcohol may result in “drunkenness”—the central nervous system effects of relaxation, loss of coordination and inhibition of judgment—but acetaldehyde is responsible for the “hangover,” the toxic side effects that can eventually damage the brain. Candida Another important exposure route to toxic acetaldehyde levels is through its production by the opportunistic yeast, Candida albicans. In small numbers, this yeast may be kept in check in the gut by the immune system and friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacterium sp. But in many people, increasing carbohydrates, especially sweets, will cause chronic Candidiasis. Candida produces acetaldehyde in the GI tract by sugar fermentation. The typical American diet along with drug and antibiotic therapies, hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), chronic stress, environmental toxins, etc. have altered gut integrity and immunity and predisposed millions of people to yeast overgrowth or the “Candida Syndrome.”4 A person with this condition who also drinks beer, wine or liqueurs not only produces acetaldehyde from the alcohol but also delivers more sugar for yeast production of acetaldehyde, creating a double-barreled dose. Acetaldehyde produced in the gut can eventually reach more parts of the body, flooding the system and increasing the risk for damage.5 Pollution Through the burning of tobacco, petroleum fuels, natural gas, wood and trash, aldehydes, including acetaldehyde, are present in the air we breathe. Vehicle and factory exhaust can create a chronic but significant exposure source to those who live near heavily trafficked areas or who spend hours commuting on freeways. Acetaldehyde contributes to photochemical “smog” formation when it reacts with other volatile substances in the air. Open car windows increase exposure, as does breathing in acetaldehyde-containing fumes near gas pumps. Cigarette smokers and others around them are exposed through inhaling smoke. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), wood smoke from campfires, wood-burning stoves and residential fireplaces is more toxic than cigarette smoke. But the acetaldehyde level released from burning items such as plastics, styrofoam and batteries is even higher.6 While acetaldehyde exposure from auto exhaust and cigarettes may be less than that from alcohol, research shows that low dose chronic exposure may still be sufficient to gradually damage proteins, enzymes and other cellular structures in the brain and other organs.7 Furthermore, most fragrances today are made from synthetic chemicals, many of which are toxic. Air fresheners, scented candles, cleaning products, cologne or perfume and more can create a source of chronic exposure to many toxic chemicals including acetaldehyde. Children and babies are particularly susceptible. Additionally, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) lists acetaldehyde as one of the contaminants released from polyethylene plastic bottles.8 Detrimental Effects Acetaldehyde is classified as a probable human carcinogen linked to nose and throat irritation and cancer as well as a toxicant to the neurological (neurotoxin), respiratory, endocrine and immune systems. Animal research also shows that this chemical crosses the placental barrier causing skeletal deformities, reduced birth weights and infant death.9 Acetaldehyde significantly compromises brain function. It is considered to be the substance that directly contributes to the toxic effects and the chemical dependency to alcohol and cigarettes. Addictive, opiate-like biochemicals are formed in the brain when acetaldehyde combines with the key neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. In acetaldehyde’s presence, dopamine is converted into salsolinol and serotonin into beta-carboline, both of which are very addictive tetrahydroisoquinolines (TIQs).10-11 Moreover, metabolites of salsolinol are neurotoxic to dopaminergic neurons inducing cell death and eliciting symptoms nearly identical to idiopathic Parkinson’s disease.12-13 Acetaldehyde damages the membranes of red blood cells (RBC) making them less flexible in passing through tiny capillaries, and it can alter hemoglobin, the oxygen transporter in the RBC.14 These two effects reduce available oxygen to the cells, especially in the brain. Acetaldehyde disables the protein tubulin from assembling into microtubules in the brain.15 Microtubules structurally and nutritionally support the dendrites, the feathery-looking extensions from the nerve cells’ main body, which connect many nerve cells to each other. Without the microtubules, the dendrites atrophy and die. This can be seen in chronic alcoholism and Alzheimer’s disease. Acetaldehyde and Nutrient Deficiencies In addition to its toxic effects, acetaldehyde induces deficiencies of nutrients used for its detoxification. As an example, vitamin B1 (thiamine) is depleted through alcohol and acetaldehyde detoxification.16 B1 is essential in carbohydrate metabolism for energy production, of which the brain uses 20 percent. Acetaldehyde-induced B1 depletions exacerbate the already low B1 levels common in the population due to diuretics and other drugs, over-consumption of simple carbohydrates (dysglycemia) and adrenal stress. In addition to its many functions, thiamine, the “nerve vitamin,” is critical to nerves and neurotransmitters. Even mild, chronic B1 deficiency can produce brain-related symptoms such as emotional instability, confusion, depression, fatigue, irritability, headaches, sensitivity to noise, insomnia, decreased short-term memory, brain-fog and a feeling of impending doom.17-18 Relevant to this time of year, B1­deficiency-related lactic acidosis can make people more vulnerable to bug bites, since many insects, particularly mosquitoes, are attracted to mild acids.19 Furthermore, people with chemical sensitivities to aldehydes may also be sensitive to seemingly unrelated substances like sulfites (preservatives) from wines and foods, and the smell of chlorine from pools and bleach. The under appreciated essential trace mineral molybdenum is also involved with acetaldehyde metabolism. A molybdenum deficiency not only affects this process but also other enzymes in the body that require molybdenum as a cofactor—for example, sulfite oxidase, responsible for converting irritating sulfites into harmless sulfates for use in liver detoxification and cartilage. Sulfur-containing amino acids, as important free radical scavengers, also use this molybdenum-dependent pathway. Molybdenum has been shown to reduce sulfite sensitivity by increasing sulfite oxidase activity.20 Sulfites also destroy vitamin B1’s biological activity, contributing to a deficiency. Nutrient depletion leads to sensitivity to other chemicals that use these same pathways. This has been demonstrated in patients with Candidiasis as the excess stress put on the enzyme systems to detoxify acetaldehyde often leave them with sensitivities to multiple chemicals especially fragrances. Supplementing with the appropriate cofactors may improve an individual’s ability to handle Candida-generated acetaldehyde.21 Acetaldehyde Relief Acetaldehyde toxicity can be acute or chronic. In order to stop this toxicity, levels of key nutrients that metabolize and clear acetaldehyde must be adequate. Some of these nutrients are cofactors to the enzymes that metabolize acetaldehyde and others, such as sulfur-containing compounds, are necessary to scavenge or “mop up” any stray un-metabolized acetaldehyde. Supplementation with specific nutrients offers an important level of prevention and protection from toxicity. In one animal study, pretreatment of the animals with B1, vitamin C and the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine completely blocked the LD-90 dose of acetaldehyde (the dose that would normally kill 90 percent of the animals).22 In another study, cysteine lowered in the digestive tract the amount of acetaldehyde produced by smoking and alcohol consumption. Both of these risk factors are considered the main causes of upper digestive tract cancer in 75 percent of developed countries with acetaldehyde as the probable cause.23
  6. maybe CH sufferers don't have enough of the enzyme that converts it ?? i dunno
  7. Acetaldehyde belongs to the larger chemical family of aldehydes, which are pervasive environmental toxins. The human body possesses enzymes that convert it to a less-harmful substance and therefore is protected from small exposures. However, acetaldehyde at toxic levels can make its way into the brain from sources such as alcohol consumption, Candida sp. (yeast) overgrowth, breathing air contaminated with acetaldehyde from cigarette and other smoke, smog, vehicle and factory exhaust, synthetic fragrances and many commercially manufactured materials. Acetaldehyde and its close relative formaldehyde are used in the synthesis of chemicals such as plastics, dyes, fabrics, adhesives, fuels, plywood, particleboard, insulating foam, fragrances, preservatives and more. Besides being an occupational hazard, these materials are found throughout the home especially in new carpets, furniture and floors and can out-gas aldehydes into the air for years, creating continuous exposure. Aldehydes are among the top chemicals released into the environment daily.
  8. what is acetaldehyde and how does one avoid it ?
  9. thanks ,, i do encourage him to go outside ,, we have a pool for goodness sakes .. He is Very a-typical ,, he has not had another CH since the 2 last week ?? and has even had some beers since then. as much as all your patterns don't make sense at least theres a non-pattern pattern (if that makes any sense at all) but with him there is compleately NO pattern at all ,, so will continue to work with the O's and watch all your posts here and learn from the masters. CHfather ,,, thank you for the kind wishes.. husband has round 3 of chemo today.. only hope is to hold off progression for an indefinite time.
  10. wow .. that's interesting .. so maybe a tanning booth ?? does that sound ridiculous ??? you know there are so many of them in my town I may just think about that ,, I used to go .. hmmm My son never does see the light of day ,, he's glued to his X-Box 360. CHfather - no I have no objections ,, I even ordered the RC seeds and have a plant growning in my backyard (actually mostly in my neighbors backyard cuz it grew up and over the wall) but with no seeds or flowers.. its just that I bought the seeds .. was afraid ( and I think that's probably whats stopping me more than anything) to give them to him ,, then boom they were gone ??? they are so infrequent with him ,, Im sure the seeds I bought aren't any good anymore cuz I got them over a year ago
  11. when you say you dose every 2 months is that a one time shot or do you do 3 rounds every 5 days or ??? thanks
  12. I was looking into that at one point ,, I started to look at all the members here on this site and note the state they are located in. I was compiling a list to see if there was a pattern. SO did you go to mexico for sun-ray's or is there some place there like the Bomba Shack ?
  13. take today for instance ,, not a headache ??? 2 the day before ... I know most of you here would be happy with his pattern,, but I think everyone regardless of how often they come wants them gone forever.
  14. I seem to have touched a nerve here. Alley whats in mexico ? Chfather ,, acutally we havnt tried much because my son really doesn't suffer like everyone here. He did try the nasal imitrex but that did not work. His first doc would not prescribe o's so I found dr kudrow who is familiar with CH's and we did get oxygen. That is all we use. Since He hasn't had a CH since last January (over 6 months) I really am not planning on doing anything other than having him use oxygen only right now ? for someone who is an anomaly like my son, I just watch and wait for this condition to either leave, stay the same, or get worse. Until there is some change then there is nothing for us to try really.
  15. J with the busting you now do how many days in a year do you suffer ? Im getting so worried as my sons pattern is now changing as I see on this site it tends to do, and not in a good way. He used to just get 1 or 2 a week for a few weeks. now they come multiple in a day when he gets them ,, I feel a dark cloud over our heads for the future ?
  16. well ,, I came to this site seeking ANY kind of relief for my son. If this procedure is real and it ever gets perfected and does in fact work someday I cant believe it wouldn't be instantly brought here to the US as an option ? Im not opposed to surgery (I had so many myself, 2 hip replacements, gall bladder, etc etc etc) I think its an individual choice. I have been reading on this site for some time and as of yet there is no one here that is permantly without pain ,, and isnt that the end game ? just sayin,, I also don't like someone who just joins a blog "anonomously" to make an add ,, but I just want a cure for my son too. anyway ,, my 2 cents.
  17. theres a lot of that on the menopause website I go to also ,,, sad ,,
  18. ah thanks ,, the videos I have seen (the ones he posted and others) are compelling. I would like to know the percentages of successes vs. failures. and were the failures due to the fact that the subjects didn't stay in south Africa for 52 days like Deborah in the video ? it seems like after so many patients he would know the exact cause of cluster headaches no ??? or do people get cluster headaches for compleately different reasons ?? that doesn't seem likely ??
  19. didgens


    6 months without was pretty awesome ,, I just fear this change ..
  20. didgens


    yeah ,,, I don't get it .. when he first started getting them It was fall/spring fall/spring .. like clockwork ,,, then all of a sudden fall/summer ?? huh ?? july what ???
  21. Danny do you work there at the Clinic in Johannasberg ?
  22. didgens


    you are right .. I guess I jinxed it .. he had 2 yesterday
  23. didgens


    Hello All ,, I wish you well. Just a quick check in.. my son has not had a major cluster headache since having his wisdom teeth removed ??? twice he has felt like he might be getting one but both times he got up and they just disappeared. ?? Hmmm ,, are they laying low just now ?? I think the next test wont be till sept/oct now
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