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Everything posted by didgens

  1. more reading http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/health/article/1600840/sunct-rare-form-headache-strikes-200-times-day
  2. thanks Fabac ,,, after going through all this with my husband one doc at a hospital we were at said that people over 50 need to get an internist as they primary doctor .. because to many inter-related things can go wrong.
  3. oh and he does not drink that much ,, I would say maybe 6 - 8 beers in a month ?
  4. I nagged him about having a beer the other day ,, he tells me with absolute certainty that beer does not cause it for him ,,
  5. hey CHF,, the thank wasn't full, a tank can last him through 3 - 4 CH's so that tank was just out of juice and he didn't know how to change it over and by the time he would have gotten it changed it would have been gone by then.. we had to order more,, he has had 3 now all around 4 - 4:30 in the morning Oct 14th, Oct 17th, Oct 20th. b.g. thank you for confirming my suspicions that other particulates in the air can be a trigger.. I often think of some of the folks that burn fall leaves in the yard and their neighbors breathing that stuff in. Maybe factories around spewing things into the air. Or manufacturers that produce certain unseen particulates at other times of the year. just a thought.
  6. hmm ,, seems to be a lot that have that also ,, I'll keep reading.
  7. sorry since august .. that was old data .. this is what I tracked over the summer Summer 2014 July 8th at 10pm had a beer and chicken tacos (after fireworks smoke) July9th 3am sleep for maybe 30 minutes Some other minor ones stopped in shower .. I don’t know the dates. July 20th am (after bonfire night before) August 1st 4am (out of oxygen) Aug 13 not sure if period has ended. . has had headache for a couple weeks .. went to big bear ,, drank beer stomach bad and “normal” headaches.
  8. well its been a quiet few months since July20th, but low and behold my son had one yesterday morning at 4:30am. I think he pulled an all-video-game-nighter and hadn't quite gone to sleep yet. put him back on the Mylanta last night ,, no CH last night or today so far. but then he only gets 2 - 4 during this time period. I know everyone here would love that pattern.
  9. that was my thought Lieutenant,,, Tony you're hysterical.
  10. hey RH ,, yes it is complicated in that it involves "un-related" fields of study in combination. if that makes any sense at all. I will use my husband as an example. He was recently diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.. ya know how long it took to get that diagnosis ? 1 year, ,, yep .. a whole stinkin year !!!! why ?? because he was shipped to this doctor and that doctor ,,, had needles stuck in his neck for arthritis etc,, physical therapy .. blah blah .. because these doctors aren't learning about all the things that certain symptoms together mean ... they don't think ,, lots of them just spit out stuff they learned froms books in med schools ,, they don't look at the hard patients and say ,, "hey ,, I wonder if ??" or "maybe I should talk to and ENT , or a spinal specialist or a .. on and on " you get the picture .. there isn't a "whole Head Health" doctor out there ,, just ones that know bits and pieces of the jigsaw puzzle ,, but all the other pieces are turned over .. they aren't willing to flip them over to see where they fit together ,,, whew .. that was quite a rant there ,,, oh my ,, I feel so much better ..... ROFL .. thanks all
  11. CHF is that you on the left ??! always nice to know what someone looks like that you talk to
  12. under your insurance that is.
  13. if you live in the states and he is a student he is still covered until he turns 26. its now the law.
  14. OK Fab.. you cracked me up there. Yeah the First Neuro I took my son to agreed with me it was Clusters ,, but when I asked for an O's prescription he just laughed and said we didn't need it.. Needless to say we "fired" him and went to someone else. BHD .. sorry in my book if you don't know what causes a problem you really cant fix it. if seeds and shrooms alleviate it find out why ,, then you'll find the cause. if it can be triggered by inhaled nitro .. find out why .. then you'll find the problem .. H E L L O
  15. hmm .. nexium is over the counter now ,, (expensive though) it took me about 2 months of taking it religiously before my reflux was under control .. even now sometimes I have to grab a quick glass of milk.
  16. IM still sticking with the Hypothalmus lights up in response to the pain but is not the cause. My sons clusters are never now the same time of year but began in the fall and spring .. now they are in the summer ?? they seem to be scattered all over the map. I still believe it to be physical .. but WHAT the physical is I don't know. I will mention the test where in they trigger cluster headaches by having participants inhale nitro-glycerin. Maybe something happens where you live that is seasonal that gets inhaled .. ie the annual front lawn burning of the leaves like they do back east .. or that paper plant that spews pollutants in the air twice a year .. or something that blooms in your area. I really do believe that the fireworks smoke in the air in my area this july triggered my sons Ch's ,,, he had the same reaction last July as well .. so since its a moving target and not equinox or any season related for him I think there is an environmental trigger.
  17. just adding more info for no reason in particular http://neurotransporter.org/glutamate.html
  18. this paragraph I found particularly interesting gammaCore is a revolutionary non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS) therapy developed by US based healthcare company electroCore. The patient delivers the therapy by holding the device on the neck over the vagus nerve for 90 seconds which painlessly delivers a proprietary electrical signal that activates specific fibers in the vagus nerve bundle. This stimulates the production of inhibitory transmitters in the central nervous system, and reduces the over expression of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, which has been implicated in a number of headache disorders
  19. Im sorry ,, I just get so frustrated with "well ,, we don't know what causes this .. so blah blah blah blah' Well why the hell don't you know ?? your doctors for Gods sake ,, ??? your supposed to be curious ,, your supposed to be researchers and care about finding OUT WHAT CAUSES DISEASE .. aren't you ?? if not why the heck are you even doctors .. gee .. was that a good enough rant .. sorry ,, It just chaps my hide.
  20. Thanks Fabac,, my son always asks for neck and shoulder massages from me during this time. on a side note I have had to have both of my hips replaced, before I went I was in so much pain on the right side that I had a marble sized knot right in the arch of my foot from the siatic nerve pain that ran down my entire leg into my foot. so this makes sense to me.
  21. anybody know anybody that has tried this for CH ? just wonderin http://www.monarch-etns.com/etns-therapy/
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