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Everything posted by didgens

  1. Hi Elly ,, can you give the exact name of this surgery and where/what doctor you had this done with ,, just for reference ? thanks so much .. and SOOO very glad to hear of the progress !!
  2. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/drugs-inc/videos/magic-mushroom-medicine/
  3. I have never experienced a CH but other types of severe pain so mabye between 4 - 5,, say a 4+ are gall bladder attacks (required a morphine drip in ER), and or labor pains dialated to 4. from what you describe here.
  4. thank you for this .. my son doesnt know how to describe the pain levels to me .. hopefully this will help.
  5. it definately is Ricardo ,, you know wheather or not one belives in a higher power .. plants were given to us or evolved with us for a reason.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/07/health/charlotte-child-medical-marijuana/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 http://realmofcaring.com/
  7. Someone else has probably already started a tread like this so forgive me if this is an old request revisited.
  8. hey moxie .. i see above you mentioned how the shrooms changed your migraines to only 3 or 4 a year. how did it change the CH's ? thx
  9. hey moxie .. i see above you mentioned how the shrooms changed your migraines to only 3 or 4 a year. how did it change the CH's ? thx
  10. thanks .. i read somewhere last week about the magic 37 degrees either side of the equator of optimal Sunlight and vitamin D synthesis by the human skin. we are close at 34 degrees ..that and the fact my son has become nocturnal .. lol ,, not sure he has any vitamin D in his blood
  11. i saved it as a favorite for future reference
  12. CHF .. do you mind if i ask how old your daughter is ? when did she start getting the headaches and do hers follow the typical weather pattern change cycle equinox solstice thingy ?? thanks
  13. I wish there were like buttons on here
  14. Hey thanks for asking CHf ,, we went to see Dr. Kudrow yesterday. Finally got him O2 and imitrex injectables. He has not had a CH now for almost a month now so will be preparing for sept/oct which seems to be his pattern (if you can call it a pattern after only 2 years). He said that my son is a-typical as he doesnt get them multiple times a day or even every day when he's "In cycle" but all the other descriptions fit to a tee. (which we already knew) .. i am kicking myself because i did not push for D3 blood test (honestly i forgot as the appt ran about an hour with all kinds of questions and neuro tests and MRI review). So im glad that at least we now have a doc that knows whats what. I honestly did more listening to the doc then talking ,, i dont really like to tell a doctor what i know about something in case they get the "Hey im the doctor and know better" ,, I also wanted him to question my son without my interference or influence to see if he came to the same conclusion i/we already had by reading here and elsewhere. Should our relationship with this doctor progress then i will push for more things and ask more questions of him. hows your daughter doing ?
  15. My Husband gets the sharp short stab ,, I never knew what it was until my son started having his CH's and found SUNCT Syndrome. you might want to check that out. maybe she experiences both at the same time ,, mabye (God willing) its changing for her and that she will only get these short bursts. I know my son put ice on the nerve back behind his molars (inside his mouth) last attack and he said it helped. as for the burn ,,, i get wind burns every time i ski ,, it looks just like sunburn .. from cold air blowing over skin. sun block doesnt help.. mabye she can try putting vasoline on her skin before blowing the cold air on it .. her skin is getting "chapped" from the air and ice.
  16. thanks ! did you use the RC for the busting .. my plant is doing quite well ,, no flowers yet though
  17. whats an anti-psychotic do to someone who isnt psychotic ? i had a good friend who's husband was a prescription addict .. they thought he may need these meds .. it was not good. i'd be afraid to try this one. just my 2 cents
  18. i can totally relate to the statement " just as soon as you start to figure yours out, it changes. " as this relates to menopausal symptoms as well. alley -- any chance all that time in mexico increased your vit-D levels ? have you tried Batch's vit-D regmine ? thanks all .. drs. apt for my son on wed. with dr. Kudrow
  19. great .. man in the box is one of my fav's .. where do you play ?
  20. didgens


    Hey Brad can i ask your method of choice please ? thanks
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