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Everything posted by neuropath

  1. Marmite sure could trigger a lot of things in me that are almost as bad as CH.......
  2. CH is also referred to as Histamine Headaches. Essentially a histamine low or free and ph-neutral diet can be helpful for CH. Very High Histamine levels are contained in the following: Alcohol Processed, smoked or cured food Certain Vegetables/Fruits (particularly tomato, strawberry, pineapples) Cheese Soy Products Nuts Vinegars Chocolate
  3. Turkey one of the most dangerous places on earth??? Sure, when you happen to be there during an earthquake or tsunami (rare in the mediterranean) or when you are there during a political coup (the last one was in 1923 I think).... Istanbul is one the most exciting places ever....you will have a ball, I am sure. Be prepared to leave with excess luggage.
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