A MOUTHPIECE!??? You kidding me??!! OH MY GOD! Denny, Dan, either of you guys remember me telling you, when I have my attacks it feels literally like fire is shooting out of my right nostril?? That's why I've had such difficulty using O2 in the past! I had no idea there was even such thing as a mouth-piece...Now, THAT'S what I'M talking about..!! WooHooo!
Now, "Hipshot", (Did we meet in Portland??) do I get that at the same place as the mask..CH.com, D.J., ?? Please let me know..I've often thought of a mouth-piece but I've never seen one around-must of not of looked too hard though, huh?!! I am thrilled about this..you guys have no..lol..I started to say, "You guys have No idea..lol, How many times did I start to say that in Portland!?? I forget,you guys are THE ONLY ones that have ANY idea of what Im' talking about..I'm so grateful for all of you..I truly am!! Old habits die hard, I guess!!"
(I think your right Dan..I think this might just be THE time for me..things are just amazingly "clicking"..ya know, when things just seem to fall into place..?? Don't wanna talk too loudly though, don't wanna jinx myself..
You guys are the Best!! :-*