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After reading this thread I started to look for clinical trials in the UK that I might volunteer for - I contacted the Beckley Foundation as they were involved with BOL-148 trials www.beckleyfoundation.org . I got a response from them today - thgey're not currently doing any trials but said that there are two clinical trials recruiting participants for psilocybin and cluster headaches: One at the Rigshospitalet’s Neurobiology Research Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark (Contact: Gitte Moos Knudsen, +4535456720, gmk@nru.dk), and one in West Haven, Connecticut, USA (Contact: Emmanuelle Schindler, 203-932-5711 ext 4335, emmanuelle.schindler@yale.edu; or Christina Forte, 203-932-5711, ext 2526, christina.forte@yale.edu). Thought I'd pass this on in case anyone wants to volunteer Phil
DD, Pebblesthecorgi - thanks for the responses. Looks like the Microdosing is a lost cause - thanks for the advice. So I'll carry on with what works. Like DD says, I think grinding up to dust is probably the next logical step to gain consistency - I can fit it on to a tea-spoon and glug down with a glass of squash to stop the gagging. Who knows whether my brain is more/less susceptible - I have a strain called 'golden teacher' they are more visual than others which have been far too frenzied for me in the past. All I know is they work and stop the pain. I just need to make sure I'm in positive state of mind before doing it thanks guys, take it easy
Dallas Denny - what sort of dose are you on? I'm 0.9g dried on a monthly basis when in cycle - as I say, for approx. 6 months of a year. Some times it's much stronger than others - I try to make sure I eat as much as I can before hand and just walk in the hills for hours. I'm thinking I might crush it all up in to a powder - that way at least the doses should be more consistent.
Good morning Dallas Denny - yep, that's my worry. My overriding concern is having to do this when I'm at your time of life or even older - I cannot imagine that it gets easier.
Hello everyone - I'm looking for some assistance. Firstly - I've had great success over the years after finding you all - so thank you. I'm episodic, and take MM for approx. 6-7 months of the year, once a month - that's from Sept - April and mange to keep the beast away. The issue I've got is that I don't really get on with the MM - like everybody else, I've got pressures at work, home and with kids - taking these things when I was young and care free was fine, but the realities of life as a mid-forties bloke supporting a family sometimes make the experience quite unpleasant. I've got myself a good stash now and am looking to experiment in the knowledge that I can always fall back on busting and the regular monthly cycle that works for me. So - I read some years ago about Micro Dosing, using smaller but more regular doses - what are people's experiences? Many thanks P
CHfather - thanks for the reply - I tried ebay myself and managed to find a seller of HBWR seeds based in the UK, they are on the way. I took my last dose of MM yesterday afternoon, still got hit last night albeit with different characteristics, I missed the 5am hit this morning, but caught the 7am bout with O2. I'll manage with O2 until Saturday morning and then take the seeds - waiting 5 days after the MM Thanks for your help
I found this today - wondering if anyone can see any correlations through their experiances: https://www.securevideo.com/blog/2016/03/18/global-barometric-variation-annual-maps-and-monthly-raw-data
Hello - does anyone know where I can get RC seeds, truffles or MM immediately in the UK - I will travel? I've been hit really hard this winter, I've been taking MM every week to keep it away - I thought I'd stopped it last week but last night, through the night it's come back with vengeance - I have only one dose left, and am weeks away from harvest. No idea what's happened. any help welcomed
This is interesting. I've been keeping things under control with MM for a few years but this winter in the UK, specifically this last 3-4 weeks I've been getting hit a couple of times a day - the weather and pressure changes are quite severe. I live in the north west in the Peaks. I've been thinking very seriously about moving somewhere closer to the equator to reduce the huge differential in daylight hours during winter v summer. I spent a few months in South America a few years back from beginning of Jan to June - I didn't suffer at all. That was after a fairly serious attack in the October before, so I would usually expect to get hit the other side of Christmas. Does this resonate with others?
Hello all - it's been a while since I've been on here - Sept 2014 in fact. I saw this on the BBC website - thought people may be interested: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-36247599 A bit of an update: I have been mostly pain free since Sept 2014 - MM work for me, but recently got caught out thinking that I could stretch the 60 days - over the past year I've had a very stressful time at work, new baby and a house renovation so haven't felt like I've been in the right state of mind to take MM. The inevitable result being a recent cluster. I've hit it hard with x3 doses of MM over the past couple of weeks and am just feeling a slight shadows today. I also think weather has played a part too - we've had a severe shift from snow to 25 degrees in a matter of a couple of days - cluster coincided with that. Any other UK sufferers been effected recently?
Hi Didgens, Yes - I am episodic. This is the first cycle/cluster that I busted. That was about 6 weeks ago now. I got the tell-tale signs of an iminent attack and used RC seeds. I had purposely not started my verapamil the month earlier so was completely clean. I used 50 RC seeds for each bust, crushed them to dust, soaked in water for 2 hours and drank it all. Best to do a couple of hours after food. I started as I say when I started feeling he shadows, and repeated every 5 days for 30 days (6 in total) - I have since found out that I nneded only do three repeats. I still felt the shadows until probably day 20 ish - but they diminished in severity, volume and logevity over time until none. My last dose was 22/10. I'm now planning on using a preventative dosage (I have grown some MM since) of 15g (wet), approx 1.5g dry MM stating on 22/12 and will repaet every 60 days. I have a back-up of MM ini the freezer in case I need to bust again. Reason for moving to MM is nothing more than I have grown them myself, thus I know the strain, stregth and how they have been looked after - thus they are as known a quantity as can be. Concern re: seeds was that I didn't know how potent they were or how well they had been kept. I am also looking in to the D3 regeme - having busted - thinking about moving on to that and dropping the 60 day preventative dosage in may be a years time once I'm fully 'topped up' and feeling like it's a regeme that I can stick to (a lot of tablets every day - may be a bit of a hassle as I travel quite a bit with work). Will obviously keep a stash of MM in the freezer in case I need to bust Outide of that - I'm still off alcohol - have been since the beginning of the bust - so almost 7 weeks
16 years - yes, but I'm only episodic - and I think that during that time there were a total of maybe 3 or 4 years where I didn't suffer (random years, not sequential) - but of course, also some terrible, terrible clusters too. I knew that the pain I was feeling was not normal - and because the doctors couldn't diagnose it I simply assumed that I had a very unusual and probably terminal illness - I say terminal in the sense that I thought that there would be one episode so bad that something in my brian would just pop and kill me, either that or disable me in a sort of stroke-like way. I was convinced that my parents would find me dead curled up in my bed after letting themselves in to my house because they hadn't heard from me for a week or so. Difficult to describe the combination of relief and anger that I felt after I was finally diagnosed having lived with those thoughts for such a long time. One thing that I can say for sure though is that with Sumatriptain, although you can abort the pain - and I have to say I was like a kid with a new toy once I got my hands on it - it does seem to prolong the clusters and it gives me a 'dirty, murky' head. With help from this site and the very kind people here I used RC seeds for my first bust 6 weeks ago - a few shadows here and there, but all good so far with my first harvest of MM safely dehydrated and in the freezer. have also started the D3 regeme
I find that pressure changes are a trigger for me too - but only during the winter months - so from October through to March. This was one of the first patterns that I noticed and fed back to my doctor 20 years ago... I remember saying to him - 'I know this will sound strange, but these attacks do seem to follow the weather, it's like I can tell when the weather's about to change...' then followed 16 years of countless brain scans, eye scans and a septoplasty before I moved house and registered with another doctor who diagnosed me within 5 mins after I asked him for some antibiotics for my 're-occuring sinusitis'
I used to smoke and found that smoking acted as a trigger when in cycle as alcohol does - but smoking made the attacks more severe. I've also found that I can smell someone smoking in the street from afar - I think again when in cycle I'm super sensative to it. I still get CH even though I've stopped smoking, just as I do when I stop drinking - it's just that I don't trigger additional attacks during cycles
Hi - just wondering whether any UK based conferences/events are scheduled. Or is there a UK arm of clusterbusters that may run regular events?
I pm'd him too