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Newbie (1/14)



  1. U are so lucky. Good on both of u. Have greatest days!!!!!
  2. Yuppers bejeeber. Anything is worth the try at this point. We will never surrender. Lol
  3. Well guys, been trying the energy drinks for about a month now and all thy do is bring my attacks on. Sorry to say. Started with one. Then two. Then three then two then one. Thy just don't seem to work for me. Wish thy did.
  4. 9ers


    I sorry to ask this question and maybe looking in the wrong spot but what is an avm?
  5. Hey there everyone. To all u hockey followers out there. Was one year ago today the jets came back to are fair city. The city went just crazy and has never been the same. Simply awsome. In four days it will be the sixth month of my cycle. Oh yay. Have a great day knuckleheads.
  6. I know Winnipeg is here. I have been looking for others here but none yet.
  7. Well my fun life of ch started when I was 42. Sept. Long weekend the Monday. Just got back from the lake. And boom. Face down on the ground. No head trauma at the time. But played a lot of sports all my life. Lots of hockey. So head trauma. Probably goes without saying. That's my story
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