Hi folks
Was prescribed Verapamil byNeuro,it did help, but came off it after about a week due to the 'common' side effects, i won't go into too much info, you all know how they 'bung' you up and mess with your guts! Anyway, the old brain started being attacked again about 2 weeks after stopping the Verapamil, so I guess i'll be giving it a go again...maybe I'll take some syrup of figs Any tips??
I have another question too...when any of you guys have your injection, what side effects do you get?? For about 10 minutes my brain and the back of my nose feel like they are on fire, it's intense and really horrible. What a relief when it goes and takes the pain with it!! I never got this with the nasal spray - which never seemed to work anyway...Just wondered if it was usual, I must say though, I don't mind as it takes away the pain
Lv n big hugs to u all