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Everything posted by Mjsonego

  1. I took your advice. It helped a lot! Thank you.
  2. I had this same experience. Lived in Michigan and had episodic clusters. When I moved to Florida in 2016, it got worse, immediately. I have since had some good stretches and bad since then. When I visit family in Michigan, it is always better. Benadryl has helped me a lot in florida.
  3. Have had primarily episodic CH for 20 plus years. oxygen has been a highly successful abort for me, even at just a 6 or 8 flow with nasal cannula. lately, unfortunately seem to moving closer to chronic. Here is my question for my fellow sufferers: the nasal cannula now seems to “ burn” the right nostril/ sinus when taking oxygen, causing the oxygen to be painful and less effective. has anyone experienced this?
  4. Thank you for this Batch. I followed your D3 regimen several years ago, as I was seemingly moving from episode to chronic. It changed my life- gave me 2 plus years without so much as a shadow. Then, for reasons I don't know, they returned in the fall of 15. I have since moved from Michigan to florida and they are now the worst they ever were. I have been wondering if the pollen levels here were a cause? I am going to now try the Benadryl twice a day with the d3 to see if it works. Mike
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