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  1. ryanegal


    Hi Everyone, Wanted to get some feedback on Vimovo.....I am going thru a cycle now and currently on 360mg Verapamil.
  2. http://time.com/5282661/aimovig-migraine-treatment/
  3. http://time.com/5282661/aimovig-migraine-treatment/
  4. Jimmy, I had great success with 60 mg Cymbalta and verapamil 360mg. You should try Cymbalta and see if it helps you. I have suffered with CHs for 23 years. All the best.
  5. Sorry to hear your about your pain. I have used topomax for 2 years. It worked but I had to stop due to side effects. Now I am taking varapamil, D3 vitamin and duloxetine. Oxygen and verapamil are most popular drugs/remedies in this forum. I am not why my neuro suggested duloxetine but it worked for me.
  6. I tried verapamil for 4 years and still on it . I take 360 mg at nights. Primary side that I had to deal with was constipation, it will take couple of months to resolve from person to person. Never experienced fatigue side effect. Based on my knowledge it is drug of choice for many CHers.
  7. What was the prednisone dosage you used?
  8. Hello, I have been following this forum for past one month, and noticed that members are advised to get O2 or Trex shots upon onset of CH. I have seen 4 neuros post CH diagnosis and non of them encouraged me either of these options, this goes back around 20 years in Dallas area. I am really curious to learn more about these options so that I am better prepared for next cycle. thanks
  9. Wanted to update everyone that Cyambalta 60mg has controlled my CH. I have been fighting this cycle for 2 months and good to have relief. One side effect that I am having is insomnia, but ir has not bothered me that much. Thanks CHfather for above comments....I have also started in D3. For those fighting CH....please keep fighting, there could be some thing that will work for you.
  10. CHfather, I have been suffering with episodic CH for 20 yrs now, episodes happen almost once an year. For some reason I have never used oxygen, doctors never recommended it. I am currently on Verapamil and Cymbalta. Using Prodrin and Advil 400 - 600 mg to control headaches.
  11. Has anyone used Cymbalta for cluster headache control....I had decent results with it couple of year back and got back on it last month to fight the new round. I my case frequency and intensity have gone down.
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