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Everything posted by ChrisSelf

  1. My shadows have been looming for two weeks or so. Today, I started back on Batch's vitamin regimen. Got my oxygen ready to go if it comes to it. Does anyone else get hit only in the fall or am I the only one?
  2. My shadows last for 4-6 hours at a time. They just flared back up, and I know what's on the way soon. You need to read everything about oxygen and how to properly use it (my neuro was critical of my request for high flow oxygen). Also, consider batch's vitamin d regimen. It worked like a champ for me last year.
  3. Two months is the shortest full cycle I've ever had. When Prednisone has worked, the cycles end almost immediately.
  4. Wish I could post a pic of my rig, but I've got a nice little welding cart with the tank strapped. Id recommend it to everyone as well. I was worried about it tipping and it makes it easier to move around the house.
  5. I can't really help because my doctor gave it to me at 6lpm and said anything more is a waste. When I told him about high flow oxygen, he informed me that you can't actually use all that oxygen. I went out and got myself a high flow regulator and the recommended mask.
  6. I generally only get the red puffy if it's a really bad headache. I find it odd that you never get it but I've seen stranger things
  7. Definitely would recommend the oxygen treatment. And to avoid triptans if possible. Depending on the prednisone prescription, I use to have to up the dosage and take a second round of prednisone.
  8. He had concerns about overdosing the vitamin d. Has anyone been told similar things? He's concerned about vitamin d build up and kidney stones. He also prescribed lithium carbonate 300 mg twice a day as a preventative. Anyone have any luck breaking out of a cycle with this? The vitamin d has made a huge difference. Down to two to three minor headaches a day. Oxygen kills them or I can survive them if needed.
  9. Guys and gals, I just passed 48 hours with no headaches. Starting day 3 of my vitamin d3 regimen.
  10. I had my wisdom teeth pulled one year. The following year went to an ENT who diagnosed me with polyps. My gp diagnosed sinusitis that same year. Lots of guessing going on. Do some research and try to find a neurologist who specializes in headaches. None in my area do so I'm lucky enough that there's a medical school with good neurology department or I may still be chasing a diagnosis.
  11. I'm two days into vitamin d regimen and oxygen. I've tried a lot of things over the years, but so far so good. Track down batch's vitamin d articles and give it a shot. And give oxygen a shot. I have a thread and chfather posted some videos on proper breathing. It makes a big difference. I tried oxygen years ago and didn't stick with it because I was doing it wrong. Keep trying because the answer for your headaches is out there somewhere.
  12. In my early years of cluster headaches I'd have a "ghost" of a headache for almost the entirety of the cluster period. The ghost would intensify into headaches and then back down again. Almost like my left eye was bruised from being hit with something.
  13. Got my mask in today and regulator set up on welding oxygen. I understand I'm going to have to do some fiddling to get the right flow rate. Just did my first treatment of O2 (started vitamin d regimen today too). Treatment went well but here's what I got: The mask seems to make it more difficult to exhale fully than I would have thought. The breathes out are going the correct direction. Am I doing it incorrectly in leaving the mask on? also, does the flow need to be so high that it keeps the bag full or should I turn it down from there? I don't think I stayed on long enough as I already feel the headache bouncing back. Side note: I've had a blistering rebound headache from sumatriptan 100 mg all day.
  14. 40 mg for one week, 20 mg for one week and 10 mg for one week
  15. So the regulator from harbor frieght gets set to what kind of flow?
  16. I've been so mad about the oxygen that I'm considering finding a new neurologist. I just finished my fourth headache today. From age 23 to age 31, prednisone had always been enough to bust a cycle. I've been so lucky to live headache free. Now, prednisone not working has led to a new diagnosis (trigeminal neuralgia) and I'm even more frustrated. My neurologist has taken this cycle to experiment with carbamazepine. I'm getting no help from him in busting the cycle. I've tried airgas for oxygen and they do not want to sell to me. Harbor freight does not carry a large welding tank. No medical supply companies in my area carry a large "h" tank, nor will they order. Does anyone have any tips on where to track down oxygen? I do have my official cluster buster oxygen mask en route.
  17. I took 360 mg daily as a preventative.
  18. I just learned a ton and am so happy for your husband!
  19. For the last 7 years, prednisone has helped keep my episodes down to two or three days of mild cluster headaches so I never sought out other treatments. After reading all the articles on this site, I want to say thank you. I've gotten cluster headaches every fall and spring since I was 19...I'm 31 now. This spring, prednisone did not work. Last night, I had the worst headache of my life. I was a complete wreck and accidentally hyperventilated my way out of the headache. I just read 25 pages on how to administer O2, and I think I understand now what to do. My neurologist never explained breathing technique or flow rates. I just wanted to say hello, thanks for all the information, and I look forward to being here.
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