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    bloomington, indiana

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  1. the sick to stomach thing happen to me a couple times when the ch first manifested...think it was just a reaction to such severe pain that my body was not yet accustom to, but it went away after maybe 3 times.
  2. the injectable imitrex was a game changer for me...tried the pills but they were useless
  3. this is a new low for the beast, had a painfree night last night but had dreams of attacks most of the night. Woke me from sleep 3 different times, once my wife was standing there concerned about the strange noises i was making....petty little beast it is
  4. gonna try to make the chicago conference this year. I was transformed when i first read someone else's words describing things i was going thru when i first found clusterheads.com, i'm sure that actually meeting the same people would be even more beneficial. thanx for being here, sorry you have to be
  5. best of luck andrew, i have no advice you havent already got from CHFather that dude needs put up for sainthood listen to him
  6. hey kyle sorry to have you brother, you will learn alot of stuff you dont wanna know in the time ahead but it is all helpful. I have always ramped up kinda slow but then end abruptly. i started off episodic for the first 3 years and then turned chronic for nearly 10 and then just nothing for a year and a half, back into a new cycle now and even after all this time i have no real expectation of what will happen next. i know none of this is making you feel better but when it comes down to it we lean on each other but fight the beast alone. best of luck brother
  7. wish i lived closer Jan, but know we have all been there. you are really lucky to have even met another person who has CH, i have been fighting the beast since 2000 and have never personally spoke to another person that even stood a chance of knowing what i was talking about. as far as information goes this is the place to get it. it is helpful if you elude to your question in your post heading so people cruzing the topics have a better idea of what you need. Good luck
  8. Thanks for the info Dallas! appreciate it
  9. CHfather; are these things compatible with standard welding O2 tanks?
  10. I am going this year, saving account be damned. I have never in the 20 years i have had CH spoke directly to another person who also had it. Such a simple thing I believe will have a profound effect for me....I need to know that you all are real people.
  11. thanks for posting bob, i need to do exactly what you just did...anyway you could provide more detailed information about what you bought from harbor freight and amazon so that i could do the same, please?....thx
  12. senstrom1


    never triggered by a scent that i am aware of. The barometric thing really kicked my butt
  13. hopefully chicago then, dont believe i could make Austin.
  14. have been reading these posts for a few years now between here and ch.com....but i've never actually met someone else who has been where i have been. who has crawled across the floor screaming for someone to kill me. then had too look my spouse in the eye and try to comfort her afterwards because i feel so bad that she has to watch me.
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