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gail CRUTCHER last won the day on June 4 2018

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    Louisville, Ky
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    anything outdoors!!

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  • Cluster Headache Community
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  1. Brian~~~I need you and can't find you. Gail 502 447 1243

    1. Freud


      Call me please Gail…

    2. Freud


      I will reach out to you tomorrow if you lost my number.  

  2. in addition, someone ran into and broke a utility pole apparently, and they're in the process of replacing it now, so we won't have electricity for a few hours. So, in the event you try to communicate with me, a phone call is the only way for now. My phone number is 502 447 1243. I hope you do. Thanks so much. gail : ))
  3. One thing just occurred to me as I reached for a grape~~my intake of both grapes, very sweet, delicious green ones, combined with oranges has grealty increased. Could that be a part of thte problem? I won't be eating any more; I just had that idea.Till I have another revelation~~
  4. Hello again! Periodically I get into a spot where I can't get out, and I'm there now, as you might well guess. i'd have had these things for over ten years now, and thought I had them under control. Until now. I use E tanks of o2 with very good success, until now. Without rhyme or reason that I can find, oxygen no longer works. I've been able to use one tank per headache as needed, with great success. Feeling a little smug probably, thought I had it whipped. I have daily CH's, and was so happy/relieved to have oxygen working for me. Have I said, this isn't working now. Yes, we're in a drastic season change, and that might be it. Never before, but now. Everything/anything you can offer will be greatly received. A bit sleep deprived now (surely you know) and brain old and tired combined is challenging. I'm an 81 year old woman, who has had a very active life, including operating a small business. As with many, that changed 2 years ago, with the pandemic and I retired. Yes, it was time no doubt. Had all vaccines and booster and MAY have had a round of Covid in the last year. I very seldom go anywhere, and my husband does all the running, I didn't make any changes, but here they are, moved in to stay it seems. Thanks so much, gail
  5. Dear Batch, I am having difficulty understanding exactly how I need to use this formula. I tried it a few years ago and apparently didn't understand it then either! I have had CH for about 10 years and O2 is very successful for me, but I continue to have headaches. I was recently hospitalized with ian intestinal blockage that required emergency surgery. When I cam home, my headaches had ceased and once more I was jubilant that ti was CH free. Wrong. They returned within days of my return. Now, here I am at the young age of 80, seeing my life wasting aways with these headaches and would appreciate your help if possible? thanks once more, gail
  6. Does anyone hear ANYTHING from Brian?

  7. Brian! I've thought of you every day and am thrilled to see whatever version of you is back! You know i love you! You have made my day!!!! Happy Trails to YOU!!!! gail
  8. I should add that for the most part I have a great quality of life. I am VERY active and still operate a small business. Maybe if i'd not had such an illness free life I'd be less inclined to whine now! I recently included a new Dr. who introduced me to the Emgality concept, and the Eli LIlly concept of huge profit, as well as a "helper" who offered to allow me to join their club for a fee and a huge obligation; had to pass on that. Is anyone familiar with the success of that drug for CCHR's? I can't imagine how I could justify paying nearly $5,000 a pop for it. MEANWHILE, life goes on and I feel great right no and have learned that the trick is to really enjoy these times!! Thanks so much!!
  9. Thanks so much for your understanding. I am aware that when I hurt, I don't think very well!! I do respond to O2, and used it in the middle of the night last night. When I set about a new experiment (daily), sometimes it doesn't go well and I pay a price!! I continually try to find a way to reduce the amount of verapamil lI use, but decided to check my BP yesterday and realized that I needed to remember that too! Too much to remember!! It was very high, so it's back to the V. I take 4 a day, and don't like doing it. Until I reached 70 or so, I was drug free~~and then along came you know what! I detest the idea of drugs, but know that if I choose to remain alive, which is a choice I face often, I will be using them. If you have a better idea, please let me know!! Thanks so much. gail
  10. Hello! I did not mean to imply that sumatriptan caused kidney failure; so sorry.
  11. So, will an O2 concentrator work?
  12. I have just had my first experience with oxygen rental, and while it did help me, it wasn't reallyo what I needed. I'm wondering if and O2 concentrator would be best? Many of you have lots of experience with oxygen and I'd love to hear from you as to what you think is best. I know NOTHING. The concept of going to a welding shop and trying to piece together my own system sounds daunting. Thanks so much.
  13. ~~and~~I am chronic, Daily episodes have diminished my love for life to some degree. However, I have not given up~~~

    I am still using verapamil and oxygen and have tried the d3 approach. THey are less painful are more infrequent, but began the day at 4am today with one, and ended it yesterday with another. THey began after my second major surgery, which I understand can make your hypothalamus gland unhappy. I will try ANYTHING to make it happy again. I was in my 70's when they began and am 78 now. 

  14. Thanks so much. I have tried growing my own with no success and am searching for how to buy the finished product.


  15. I have tried multiple times to register for your newsletters, but am repeatedly told that The contact list 1569107038 does not exist, whatever that means. I am trying to learn how I may obtain informaiton on mushrooms. I know, a very big secret. So big that I can't even learn about it. Is there no help for me? I have posted here before but this has me totally shut out.
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