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devonrex last won the day on September 24 2024

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  1. A ton of us swear by coffee and energy drinks, mine is monsters, the taurine in them is also an anti-inflammatory, but a lot will chug those little 5 hr energy and hit the o2. o2 never aborts for me but can take the edge off with other things.
  2. I have not found exercise to abort but have found heavy exertion, the following rest time afterwards I will get hammered. I power back caffeine among other things. The outlier is a scalding hot shower is a vasodilator, the opposite of caffeine. Alcohol is always 100% hit and usually 9-10 scale. Sleep is rem state where you enter full deep 'relaxed' sleep not sure of the mechanism, but hypothalamus plays a part there and it could be vasodilation in the relaxed period.
  3. I was t-boned in a car, saw it coming and tensed and messed up the muscles and stuff on the right side, the same year I got cluster. Correlation is not causation, but close enough together to consider. For a long time they were thinking issues with my TMJ is what it was, from the whiplash and nerve/muscles damage from the accident. Could be something to look into for you, because some of the symptoms with jaw, neck pain can be a TMJ involvement, I mean it could be both with the one triggering the other, either way if it is TMJ (Temporal mandibular joint, jaw hinge area) getting it fixed may help with the other or rule it out.
  4. Same feels, mad that he got away with so much harm, glad he is finally stopped. World renowned meh, in cluster world he is reviled, what a freaking quack
  5. devonrex


    In what seems to be an almost grey area with 'suicide' viewed as something problematic, we in Canada have access to MAID (Medical Assistance in Death), something I have inquired about, so in a grey area, I do have a plan, but if you ask about MAID you do not get sent to psychiatric, but if you mention having a plan you do. In any case, I see it as my absolute last resort. I feel you @MoxieGirlI am chronic and have up to 8 hits a day, every day, no breaks, with some powerful sleeping pills, I can knock myself out for 30 hours after a day and a half up but those are the longest breaks. I am still trying with the alternate methods but have had some really bad months, death in the family and any hallucinegenic is not great if you go in with a bad headspace and the current crop I have tends to really edge towards disassociating me strongly which is a pretty unnerving experience. All said, we have all wished an end in some way, but you need to reach out, talk, try anything and everything. And talk, to anyone, find a good listener, it goes a very long way in keeping it together.
  6. devonrex


    Ideation, yes. For the numbers on this board, I have no idea. I know we as a demographic are more likely, I mean thus the name. If you have a plan I implore you reach out to a friend, a help line, a doctor, someone, the step from just thinking about wanting this shit to end permanently to having a specific set of steps in mind is a huge step and rather large red flag, so talk to someone, reach out.
  7. I went around the sinus thing, TMJ diagnosis and so on before arriving with the cluster diagnosis. As for teeth, the only pains I have had in my life to register on my cluster scale were an ear infection I had once where Demerol was pumped into me in hospital, kidney stones and when a molar broke and got infected/abscessed, the trigeminal nerve services the top jaw and teeth as well as in around the ear, so I assume that is why the pain was so intense. You could still be having ch as well as the teeth issues. But abscesses in teeth and jaw can be extremely painful.
  8. As someone who ended up with a concentrator, tell them to concentrate and stuff it where the sun don't shine, they are useless.
  9. I am on Prozac and have been using shrooms without going off it, my neuro has also not said to even try dropping my antidepressants, I have actually upped the dose of them because of being chronic. So unless there is anything specific to the type of antidepressant you are on, it may reduce the effectiveness some but not negate it. I am not a professional or anything, simply my experience with mush, lsd and other busting while still on antidepressants.
  10. devonrex


    Applying for drug coverage and have this on my plate ahead, they do a 100 mg dose then 12 weeks later can go to a double that. Any news from others would be good. Apparently, here, they will not allow off label use so I have migraines as well as clusters now
  11. A bit of an update 'Suicide headache' patient granted magic mushroom access after Health Canada U-turn After a federal judge’s scolding for its “unreasonable” and “unintelligible” handling of a Calgary man’s bid for legal access to psilocybin for excruciating headaches, Health Canada is backing down. The federal health agency has granted cluster headache patient Jody Lance emergency access to psilocybin, a psychedelic compound found in “magic mushrooms.” Lance’s win comes two weeks after Federal Court Judge Simon Fothergill ruled Health Canada wholly disregarded legal arguments that Lance has a Charter right to medical grade psilocybin. Health Canada’s initial refusal to grant Lance access to the drug under its Special Access Program also lacked the “requisite degree of justification, intelligibility and transparency,” Fothergill wrote. Health Canada’s assessors tried to argue that other modalities hadn’t been ruled out, drawing criticism from Lance’s legal team that it’s easier to qualify for euthanasia in Canada than it is to access novel therapies for headache relief. In order to be eligible for MAID — medical aid in dying — people don’t have to first exhaust all available treatments options. Health Canada’s reversal comes after Fothergill ordered a “redetermination” by a different decision-maker. Health Canada had 14 days to render a new decision, a deadline that expired last Friday.
  12. They are mentioned all over this board and are a pretty universal experience, though not hear my neuros really discuss them. In reference to migraines I tend to hear them discussed as 'auras' which can include the phantom pain kind but also visual 'halos' around lights, auditory auras and such. The skittering pain and just kind of a 'noticing something where my clusters are' be it pressure or the fleeting pain seems about the closest thing to auras clusters tend to have in my experience.
  13. I know some hat link clicking here are a couple excerpts A 51-year-old Calgary man who suffers debilitating cluster headaches has won a Federal Court battle forcing Health Canada to reconsider his bid for legal access to psilocybin to treat his extreme pain. Ottawa Federal Court Judge Simon Fothergill, on May 24, granted an application for judicial review of Health Canada's denial of Jody Lance's bid for legal access to medical grade psilocybin — the active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms — to manage pain associated with the headaches, which is so bad they have earned the nickname "suicide headaches." In 2022, Peter McAllister, the medical director of the New England Institute for Neurology and Headache, wrote then Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos in support of Canada allowing legal exemptions for the use of psilocybin for cluster headaches, which he described as an "agonizingly painful condition that can push patients to suicide to escape the suffering." McAllister wrote that in his experience, "many cluster headache patients obtain outstanding results using psilocybin-containing mushrooms," which he said helped prevent episodes with little danger or side effects. Pope, the human rights lawyer, says it was the same for Lance. "He tried a whole laundry list of medications and dozens of different combinations," Pope said. "Some worked for a brief period of time and then stopped working, or even made the headaches worse." He argued that by denying Lance access to psilocybin, federal authorities infringed on his Charter right to make reasonable medical choices regarding his physical and mental wellbeing. Last week's ruling gave the health ministry 14 days to reconsider Lance's request and to take his Charter rights into more careful consideration. Fothergill called the decision to deny Lance access to the drug "unreasonable" and "unintelligible." Health Canada told CBC News via email that it has noted the court's decision and will comply with the judgment. In an email to CBC News, Lance said he hopes this ruling helps others like him who are seeking safe, legal options to avoid what he called an "unnecessarily difficult journey." "It's a first step in the right direction," wrote Lance, a former land surveyor. Spencer Hawkswell, president of the psychedelic advocacy group TheraPsil, described the ruling as a major step forward that makes clear that "what these patients are asking for is not ridiculous." The ruling noted that this infringement was exacerbated by delays and risked Lance's life due to his suicidal ideation and the fact that he could potentially be eligible for medical assistance in dying (MAID). Pope says the process for becoming approved to use psilocybin legally in Canada seems more difficult than applying for MAID. "He's found a treatment that works for him and makes life bearable. But it's absurd: If he couldn't get access to this treatment, then MAID really would be a legitimate possibility." "Mr. Lance should be allowed to use this for medical purposes with dignity and not be called a criminal for it," Pope said.
  14. Might be shadows, times when there is some mild pain or sensation in the same area as cluster, much like the Beast is prowling around letting you know it is there, sometimes shadows foretell an attack, sometimes they linger after. I am not sure if this is what you are experiencing, but if it is it is very common.
  15. Health Canada must reconsider man's bid to use magic mushrooms for cluster headaches, Federal Court rules | CBC News
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