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Everything posted by Axel_B
Just wondering, if I am outdoors extensively because of lifestyle, surfing gardening dog walking etc, and getting a lot of vitamin D, do I still need 10,000 iu daily supplement ? TIA AB
Thanks Bejeeber.. Yippee so will test the vodka… with much trepidation i had a wine the other day, expecting the worst, but no attack :))
Saw this image and i could relate’ to the torture and pain
Axel_B replied to Axel_B's topic in General Board
Hey Rod, can i share this disturbing skull thing outside the forum? AB -
I like ‘Nuclear level triggers’ / like a rocket to K10
Yes agreed Xboss. , a lot of the time I rely on that predictability with beer to bring it on.. face the music.. but always to have my go to’s nearby/codeine/suma nasal spray/paracetamol/ etc oxygen doesn’t work for me unfortunately. ‘between the Devil and the deep blue Sea’
In relation to grinding of teeth and jaw, and managing my breathing exercises and pacing when deep in attack, kip 8-10 I exercise extreme discipline with keeping my mouth open to avoid grinding and crushing of my teeth and jaw. Here’s the funny side, I literally have to spell this out… closed mouth GRRRRRRR is the grinding or crushing sound i make and is less vocal than cursing or screaming sometimes…. So closed mouth = Grrr crushing agony….. sure it’s also an angry sound but can be utilised more quietly, trying to be discreet and mindful of other people in the home….. open mouth AAAAARGH is better to control the pain, and no grinding or crushing of teeth and jaw, and also better breathing pathways than the crushing grinding Grrrrr approach Faithfully AB
Beer. From clear to 10/10 in 20 minutes. The wheat beer or cloudy beer is even worse. I think I mentioned this in a post a few years back. Sometimes you fight the shadows all day with the odd clear patch. But you know as soon as you downing that beer to be ready! The waiting game is then over. Knowing that between 5 to 20 minutes you’re gonna be deep in it.. face the music imo it’s better than meditating for hours and being woken up at one in the morning and fucking up the whole rest pattern. I have that beer just to get it over with but it kicks hard 1010. vasoconstrictors ??!! somehow, the bear also pushes the attack to the full time limit, 3 to 4 hours But wine doesn’t do it like beer does , for me anyway …
Why does beer kick back so hard?
In a passing conversation/ or not sure where I heard the acronym TMG treatment for CH, is this the right acronym what is this treatment , is it affective/or is there any literature I can read about trials? Best AB
Oh no! I have wondered about this at times of CH stress. My CH are right sided only 9 years in. I read this and dread the switching of sides. I like to think of my left side as a ‘ Cluster Virgin ‘ Please… no primary side switching. Let the left side stay torture free / bWell
Ouuuch! Never seen a picture that represents what my cluster headaches feel like, but I came upon randomly this image.. kind of sums up much of the pain and heartache felt during an attack’ Aaaaaargh !!
Greetings Shaun, no I have never heard of Topiramate. Just had a little look online, and will mention this to my doctor. After the verapamil and a couple of other pharmaceutical blockers that didn't work, I have become a CH pharmaceutical sceptic, and really have started to lean towards proven alternative methods for a real bust. I will probably go for LSA/ RC seeds or similar treatment in the near future. Have enough for 2 more MM busts and then I will be desperately seeking new alternatives........
'There is light at the end of the tunnel....................
Cattle prod ?
OH WOW !! I woke up to a blinding CH/KIP10 this morning and thought fuck it, before any abortive or other techniques I will run try the HOT WATER TECHNIQUE. Stood in a bucket of hot water for 5 minutes approx, to just below the ankles, and went from a KIP10 to KIP5 within a few minutes. GREAT !! THANKS A BUNCH, great for instantly lowering blood pressure>..... however KIP 5/ Nasty eye pulling shadow is persisting for some hours now since the hot water, but I can manage to function somewhat with KIP5. Thank you CHF for those interesting treatments / Will definitely be trying that again .....
Yes I have tried O2 , for a month. result was aborting from KIP10 to KIP4-6 constant shadows. AARRGGH continuously so stopped the O2 and busted with MM. This was two+ years ago at which time I discovered the MM as a preventative/ longer term bust. Haven't tried the O2 since then. .... (..in 2014 my neurologist scripted me Imigran nasal spray as abortive, and verapamil / calcium and beta blockers as preventative, but did not help, on them for more than 12 months with no effect whatsoever) Paracetamol and codeine combo work as abortive, also Imigran nasal spray, but take up to an hour, so a lot of the time I just ride out the storm. Thanks CHF, I have checked the links and info and have recently started D3 with fish oil and ginger as a daily regimen. Also including extra fatty fish and fatty foods and Chinese ginger sweets through the day on top of the vitamins. . Drinking extra ginger tea at night because I fear being woken by a KIP 10 at 2 am Going extra on ginger as understand that it lowers blood pressure. Seems to be helping by extending the time between attacks by up to 30 hours, but have to be super vigilant with the triggers I will start the melatonin soon to include in daily regimen And thanks you for the Benadryl advice. I live on a large property with pets and a dusty shed Some other interesting techniques with the hot water reducing blood pressure so will have to experiment I have been trying to source RC seeds but no joy :/
My techniques when I have nothing effective to abort: Pacing in an upright position ** Breath through open mouth to stop crushing my teeth. Exhale quickly and inhale deeply Keep head upright, and shoulders back to allow deep breathing pathways Keep body temperature down with cool clothing/ remove jackets /heavy shirts /jeans/scarves etc ' Do not lie down', for me the stabbing / pulsing increases 3 to 4 times from an already KIP 10 situation. Staggering difference between standing and lying down. I assume because more blood is flowing to the head !! When standing/pacing the stabbing through the eye is opprox every 20 to 60 seconds, if lying down can be approx every 5 to 15 seconds, Each stab can be like breaking a bone !! I feel sick to the stomach with pain and nausea ! so STAND and pace Keep pacing Cold or iced strong coffee and/or red bull / or any other coffee taurine energy drink if available Darkest possible glasses to shut out the light so help not to squeeze the eye closed for such long periods Try to eat anything with a high ginger / ginger root content Where possible I remove myself from any social situation in a seperate space, as I can curse loudly and grunt and moan somewhat ** Reminder, to keep mouth open for breathing to help prevent the crush / grinding on teeth, so important for long term dental health, could eventually grind the molars flat which is costly to fix. If I have to grind to tolerate the pain, chew on matches/toothpicks or a soft piece of timber or thick silicon type of plastic that you cannot grind through Cold/ice pack, if no cold pack rinse cold water over head or wrap soaked T-shirt /towel over head, and renew with cold water regularly If noisy use ear protection, however with biggest/loosest possible fit as ear pads can push painfully on the side of head. Not noise cancelling as frequency is audible during the attack Silence and darkness is best More coffee and/or red bull/ similar, cold or iced More cold packs if available More deep breathing The crushing and stabbing feelings are completely agonising so keep pacing and breath and try to meditate through it ' ZEN Keep pacing, if I have to sit because have been pacing for an hour or more already, again keeping head upright sit upright, and pace again as soon as possible This can last between 1.5 to 3 hours. AND REPEAT daily until I can Bust......... Power Hope Courage Axel_B
The more yeast in the beer, the quicker and harder the trigger. Axel_B
Trigeminal Demon Slayers/ Hypothalamus Hell Hole/ What about the scene from 'A Man Called Horse, with Richard Harris: When he is hung by hooks pierced through pectoral muscles as a ritual ceremony, but with CH attack the hooks are burning hot, then pushed from the back pf your head, through your eye, and are then turned like fishing hooks and pushed back out through your forehead, then held there for a few hours while the demon attaches the hooks to an electric current and zaps and pulls on the hooks, Welcome KIP 10, and then repeated every day, and night and day and night Repeat! Repeat Repeat! Repeat !!!!!!! GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr During the attacks I find if I do not lie down I am better, less blood to the head, with fewer jerks in my head and body convulsions. Also DO NOT touch or massage the skin or massage the bones (especially the Ocular , ) muuuuch better to just pace slowly and breath deeply Stay safe
GOOD DAY My cluster headaches started about at age 45 approximately. At the same time approx I had surgery to remove a deep impacted wisdom tooth, right side top jaw. My CH are right side The surgery had me sign a consent form'. Essentially acknowledging risks involved with the surgery. Is there any literature on damage to the trigeminal nerve (opthalmic/mandibular/maxillary) from different facial surgery, either tooth nasal eye area that can cause CH ? Many Thanks AB
Good day. Newbie from Australia 52 years old, suffering with CH going on 7 years. I have been referring to this site for over 3 years now and finally decided to join. I read time and time again that whatever works for you is great, find your happy place because CH are what they are, and we are all different PSILOCYBIN VS MDMA NOT SURE HOW MUCH INFORMATION I CAN DISCLOSE ABOUT MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ON THIS FORUM REGARDING PSILOCYBIN AND MDMA? Tried everything my neurologist prescribed over 5 year period. Nothing worked. Until micro dosing mushrooms, and later MDMA. It wasn't easy to source either of the treatments. I migrated towards mushrooms firstly because of using Imigran sumatriptan nasal nasal spray to abort the CH, and then listening to a Harvard lecture on mushroom trials for CH. - Shroom vs MDMA The psilocybin micro dosing 0.05gr. worked mildly but took too long , 7-10 days , and I was still left with persistent ongoing heavy shadows after the period of micro dosing. No CH but terrible shadows that kick in at midday and last all day until codeine or ibuprofen or paracetamol or weed. Oxygen didn't work on the shadows. Started to get worried about the amount of paracetamol I was taking and effect on the kidneys and liver, also ibuprofen and effects on the stomach lining, and codeine because no good on heavy equipment or driving. Weed ok but not for work and a bit dopy after weeks on it. Then I upped the mushroom dose to full trip dose, essentially to send my hypothalamus into the next orbit ( understanding circadian rhythms and all that stuff). CH gone but only for a few weeks. DONT LIKE THE HEAVY HALLUCINATIONS EITHER So for me normal micro dosing of mushrooms which is relatively safe took away the CH, but left me with very nasty shadows that persisted for months. Then after further research and varying literature, I DECIDED TO TRY MDMA . in controlled environment. Full dose. approx 0.2 of a gram maybe a little more depending on prior use / experience (If concerned have someone with you). STAY HYDRATED - No hallucinations. Good because then I am in total control. Only something called shudder-vision and some heavy sweats for approx 3 hours YOU CAN FEEL THE HYPOTHALAMUS SHIFTING/ALTERING DURING THE TREATMENT/ TRIP WITHIN 48 HOURS THE HEAD IS CLEAR from one dose. Literally by the hour i could feel my head clearing CLUSTER AND SHADOW FREE FOR OVER 6 MONTHS. WOW !! Just gone through the Australian Summer Solstice 21/12/2020. Circadian rhythm being altered by the seasons, and I feel my shadow returning. Right side of head, I feel my eye being pulled from its socket more and more each day. The jaw pain /mandibular nerve and neck pain is returning with the eye /ocular nerve being dramatically effected as part of the onset of my next CH cycle/period. When I feel the shadow returning I know the CH is not far away. I know which treatment I will be going for. Again, each to their own FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE STAY SAFE AND WELL AB