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Everything posted by Music

  1. Music

    Sun moves

    The Earth moves around the Sun. I like to move it, move it move it.
  2. No chuckle here Bosco, except the green eyed cat. Hulk lives! I get a right side over the head feeling then like ice on the back of my neck.
  3. The lyrics are silly but the sentiment is spot on.
  4. Yeah, so, anyway, after the drugs wore off................................................oops.(lol)
  5. E to E. Who needs a guitar. C to C with a piano. The flats and the sharps add spice. A to A if B to B helps. D smacks. Sleep, sure.
  6. I get the looping tunes too. It's like everything i've ever heard compressed.
  7. I think you missed my point Juss. I was mocking the know it all know nothings and the "why don't you just" helpers. In the early 1990's it was hold your head back and drain your sinuses. The BMJ paper that someone posted recently has the latest expert opinion. BTW, thanks for the link poster - Science sure beats superstition.
  8. "You look alright" "Have you tried my Chiropractor " "Well, we can't pay for everyone can we. What?, everyone that gets a headache gets a candy" "I really don't know what you're complaining about " "It can't be that bad. Live a little." "Have you tried thinking it away. My cousin/Nephew/......" "You know God loves you." "It's the virus. We all feel the same way. "
  9. Bend head to left, no you don't. No you're not. You're a figment. Are you fucking kidding me. Tingles last century, now it's shadows. Tingle away , tingle away. Maybe there's a God. There can't be, who gives cancer to kids. Fuck the shadows, it's tingles. Lt. Dan sings shake it off. Is that all you got.
  10. All for one and one for all! Just have to post a thankyou (understatement of the century) to the ClusterBusters community. Admin, contributors, supporters of CH sufferers, Doctors, Researchers, everyone really. To be able to access and learn from this site and have such a wealth of information shared,.............well, it's not easy to put appreciation and sentiment into words, which is why i've borrowed from Dumas. Also, personally speaking I used to be dismissive of the "know your not alone" mantra, but to really know your not alone, and that others really do know what it's like, is absolutely comforting, despite having to experience the bouts of madness and the whole roller coaster in general. I'm certain that in future decades all of the contributions to treating this condition will collectively improve the lives of future generations, just as our time has been made better by the efforts of generations past. Stay strong folks.
  11. Music


    If it wasn't for the leg up and standing on shoulders, I would have taken a long walk on a short Pier. By way of analogy, a lot changed between 1888 and 1922. Thank God Science and Philosophy are getting back together. How in hell they ever got divorced is a mystery.
  12. I thought this was a serious discussion forum. WTF is a Leaderboard? My headache is bigger than yours? 34 Years. "Newbie" And now i've earned a badge. Glad we have a suicidal sense of humour. And the fit bit says it's time to move more. Now there's a no shit Einstein moment.
  13. I thought this was a serious discussion forum. WTF is a Leaderboard? My headache is bigger than yours?
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