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Feed your head

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i watched a pretty cool show called Feed Your Head on the Doc Channel.

It was primarily about treating mental cases with niacin...vitamin B. Also mentioned mescaline and how nutrition plays a huge part in what our brains can and can't tolerate. How sczitzos act like they are on LSD and how niacin corrects it. It talks about how our  brain uses 20% of our total oxygen intake and little ditties like the food on your table is your future hair and nails and brain!

Doctor Hoffer pioneered orthomolecular studies and i think it said he was a double Nobel Prize winner. He was first published in 1957 and died in 2009. Seems like he was really on to something.

most brain problems are bombarded by the big pharm and medical community when a nutrient can treat brain disorders even though it is not necessarily nutrient deficient. It is ortho (corrective) molecular science...correcting the molecules, not medicating the shit out of people for life.

He stated that it hurts everyone but the patient to cure someone. It is best for all of the medical community and all associated directly and indirectly to medicate, not to cure.

The old doctor knew his shit and seems he was way before his time.

Catch the documentary if you can.


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