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anthony g

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Absolutely for many and not for others.

Its generally bright and reflected light of any kind. ie; reflected sunlight, bright indicator lights, oncoming headlights, intense flashing lights that sort of stuff.

Sometimes the above light can just intensify the experience.

Direct sunlight wont generally cause issues unless your staring at the sun or a vampire.

My mate she's allways complaining about resetting clocks and the like after I unplugged them every night while being hit. So I started hanging all her kitchen cloths over them and now she goes looking for them every morn, with a smile though. Wish she'd leave them alone cause I just have to find them again.  :)

I bought a couple of those little netbook computers and ended up busting one when that bright blue stanby light started flashing at me at 4 am. No warranty they said.

Its amazing how many of those damn lights exist if they affect you. There outa be a law.

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