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realtime pain comparison.


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hi everybody.

my first time on the forum.

i've suffered from ch's for about 15 years. a six week cycle every 18 months or so.

my last cycle began at the beginning of july this year and unfortunately it's still with me.

i fear my episodic condition has become chronic.

i have the hypnic version of the condition which occurs from once to six times during the night.

these can be anywhere fron 3 to 10 on the richter scale.

i don't take any medication as the attacks usually hit their peak for approx 20 mins only.

just clench my fists and wait.

i thought members might be interested in a 'real time' pain comparison.

i currently have a tooth abscess which you might be aware could floor an elephant.

it's peaked now and i'm booked in for dental treatment next week.

by four a.m. yesterday morning i'd been in very bad pain from the abscess for hours, painkillers didn't touch it.

this is when a 9 on the richter scale ch decided to join the party.

the tooth is on the left side, ch on the right.

within 15 minutes i'd stopped noticing the abscess and the bag of frozen peas was clamped firmly to my right temple.

proof, if it were needed, of the pain levels this awful condition can generate.

i have great sympathy for everyone who suffers from this condition..to whatever degree.

one day there might be a cure.

until then i'll follow, with interest, forum members' attempts to find ways of controlling 'the beast.'

chins up, red.

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Great to have you here Red, and here's hoping that you'll find some good relief and can get back to sleeping with no need for fist clenching.

I would imagine that high liter flow 100% O2, RC seeds and the vitamin D3 regimen could all be good things to try (simultaneously! :)) as soon as you can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Red, and welcome.

The brain can only really process one pain at a time. So when another, more intense, pain is introduced, it will focus on that pain and forget about the first.

I once had a killer migraine, absolutely intense. A 10, and then some, on my 1-10 migraine scale. Then got a cluster in the middle of it, and it drove the migraine away for about 2 hours, even though the cluster only lasted 20 minutes. I like to think the migraine was scared of the cluster.

Pain scale wise, I've not found anything that comes close to the pain level of a cluster. Even a kidney stone is only about a 5 on a cluster scale of 10.

O2, RC and D3, good advice. Is the route I'm going and I'm chronic with my clusters normally lasting 10 - 20 minutes.


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