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Episodic Cluster Headache


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Hello, I have been suffering from episodic Cluster Headaches since October 2016.

I moved from Maryland to San Diego in October 2016.

Ever since then, I have gotten cluster headaches for about a month one time a year, usually around October

This year 2023/2024) I got it in December.

I just discovered the vitamin D protocol today and I just ordered most of the supplements for that.

Does anyone also think it could be caused by something in the season here in San Diego (allergies) that I might need to take an anti histamine?





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Hi Darryl,

I am also a CA cluster sufferer. Welcome to CB! I've never been to Maryland so I have no clue as to the elements or seasons involved. True native unicorn lander here^_^ California is notorious for pollen's, pollutants and blatant discord for it's population. Anyhow, I also went through a late season cycle, October-December. Allergies are a real bugger for us cluster heads and yes I do believe it could be causing you some issues. I am so glad you discovered the D reg as it has really helped me.  Please do yourself a favor and look up the "Full Monty" D3 reg (incorporates antihistamines into the protocol)  or get in-touch with @xxx the curator of the regimen. You landed in a good place with lots of folks that will aid in pointing you in the proper direction. Lastly do check out the new users ribbon at the top of each forum page. ATB!

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