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More Sensitive?


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I read a study once that said migraine sufferers are more sensitive than most other people. More sensitive to heat and cold, weather changes, emotions, etc. Pretty much in all aspects. The study was saying that our nervous system is just more sensitive to outside and internal influences, and that sensitivity often triggers migraines.

I've found, as I've become a cluster sufferer, my normal high level of sensitivity to things has increased many times over. Smells, tastes, temperatures, changes in weather, strong emotions, all those things can set off a migraine or cluster attack.

It is quite warm right now in England. 28-30 degrees C, or around 80-82 degrees F. Most English people are loving it. Complaining, for they wouldn't be English if they didn't complain, but also loving it.

I am dying. The heat translates almost directly into stress for me. I can feel it pressing against me, smothering me. More so than I believe other people feel it, and much more so than I used to.

I'm also ultra sensitive to cold. Ice, or even a cold drink, pressed against my skin is enough to trigger a migraine or cluster.

So, I was just curious if you are more sensitive to 'things' during your cluster cycle, or since you started having clusters.


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I have always said that I get "Hypersensitive" from CH. At cycle ramp up I really have no problems with sensitivity... it comes on more after I have been at high cycle for 3-4 weeks and worsens the longer I stay there.

Too hot or too cold, stomach too empty or too full. Just the change in body chemistry from eating sometimes. I would swear that in the depths of my last high cycle, my autonomic nervous system was making too much feckn noise.  :D

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since the head pains began for me i have been unable to step out in the sun w/o sunglasses on. my eyes are so sensitive to light nowadays that even bright lights inside buildings can set my head off. and if i don't eat for a few hours i will start to get a cluster hit.

sounds about right to me.

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Oh, wow, yes, I hear you both.

Migraines run in my family, and as a teenager if I missed breakfast I would get a migraine in the afternoon. So meals, and not getting too hungry, have always been important to me.

Ironically, I had surgery a few years ago for an unrelated issue, and 'hunger' as a trigger stopped being a trigger.

Light, yes I'm also hyper sensitive to light. One day, when I build my dream house I'm going to have no direct light anywhere in the house. All the lights will be reflective - off the ceiling or walls. I want it to be impossible to accidently look into a light.

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