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Yep. The way I look at it, that's just us humans for ya.  :-?

There appear to always have been societies that subscribe to dumb, arbitrary stigmas and taboos, often with complete buy in from the highly educated authority figures. :(

Sheesh we can really be a bunch of idiots and jerks.  :D

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And now after that little rant of mine, onto a more positive note - hats off to those who take action against the insanity and sometimes even win.

A recent case in point would be the announcement just this month of $20 million funding for trials of the ultra powerful CH killer BOL-148 with intent to bring it to market.

The fact that this is taking place within the medical field itself seems like a huge turnaround to me, hopefully with all manner of sanity and mass CH relief resulting.  8-)

Not that that's going to help you at all right now Bubblesup, dammit.  >:( I hope in the meantime the home busting approach will carry you through with some serious PF time.

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