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Does anyone else rock back and forth during a hit?


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I find that I can sometimes keep the beast moving if I rock back and forth during a hit.  Not sure why but it seems to keep my equilibrium(spelling?) moving and helps a little with the lower level kip scale hits.  Anyone else experience anything like this?

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I cant say it helps me lower the kip scale, but I do allot of rocking..I have a slight problem of slamming my knees together...I try to keep a padded pillow between my knees but with the thrashing around I lose it, my knees have bruises the size of baseballs..but I am glad Rocking seems to lower the kip scale for you..anything that helps  is a good thing:)...but one thing I learned early on was not to blow the nose during a hit..it seems to get allot worse in severity don't even breath through the nose..just clean as it flows,  and touching the effected eye seems to send it in a rage of pain..cant even touch it slightly during one or its all hell breaking lose..my pattern like your rocking is vigorously running my hands through my hair repetitively and fast but I cant say that helps any.

I hope the rocking or any advice I have helps at least one of us out there..and if anyone else has anything they have to add that might help during an attack we are all ears


        Texas Cluster

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I do the same thing, only I am usually on my knees and my feet hit together pretty bad and I usually slam my feet on the floor, all the while I am grabbing the side of my head with both hands and digging in, pushing my palm into my eye socket and then I notice that i try to breathe out of my nose , i do this to see if i can get air through the side that it stuffed up during the hit. I find I blow out of my nose during the day if I feel one coming on to get a guage if whether or not I will be in a full on hit or not.

I then usually end up in the bath tub with the side of my head on the bottom of it, so hot that I cant take it anymore and I end up getting out, dont know why I always go to the tub lol, but then I throw on clothes and go outside and jog in place or run up and down the steert, I think my neighbors think I am a freak... I also keep my nails trimmed short too, i usually have blood under them from grabbing my scalp so tight and dont feel or know what I am doing, I have put my head through a wall, I have beat my head with a spoon in the past, now I try to approach it more calm, but of course i cant. i end up on the floor just liek you do thrashing around for a good 58 minutes, then a small rest and back to doing what I was before it started, generally i have to take a good 15 to 20 minuites after one to get my bearings back.

Your not alone I do the same things lol. I think i shld get a helmet lol

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Ditto on the first time I have laughed in a while.  I also run to the bathtub.  I always felt it was because it keeps me calmer and allows me to act how I want without fear of being seen.  Why I care I have no idea.  Also allows me to go back and forth between hot and cold.

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Glad Im not the only bathtub guy lol, yes that did make me laugh too, been a while for me as well.

I think your right about the tub thing, i used to even put a towel over my head thinking if i could get enough steam to open up the nostril on the lft side of my face it would be better, I even tried eucolytpus in the tub for a steam thinking it would help, hell no it made it worse lol. But now when I get in I tend to burry my head at the bottom of the tub, it could be  saftey net type of thing liek you said, almost hiding in a way.

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I'm usually on the floor, kicking my legs out over and over and over.  I roll around side to side, but not front to back.

I also pace a lot.  I probably walk a mile by the time it's over, doing circles in the house.  With my head cocked off to the side and pointing up(can't really look down).

During the course of one episode, I will take 3-5 hot baths.

Seems I'm not the only one that resorts to hot baths.

I've never been cleaner in my life.

Saying "oh god, oh god, oh god" over and over.  Sometimes, just a weak high pitched wimper over and over.

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