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The Beast


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The Beast.

By MoxieGirl

I am walking down a path which runs along the bottom of a cliff face.

It is a nice walk, apart from the Beast tracking me from the top of the cliff.

It keeps looking over the edge, watching my every step.

I know it's going to pounce.

Just don't know when.

It's 2am, and I'm up late with friends, listing to music, laughing and drinking. To all present, it appears to be a good time.

Except for the Beast.

Watching my every moment, ready to pounce.

Death resides in its claws. Blood in its bite.

It is longing to attack, to rip into my mind and tear into my flesh.

But when.


In 5 minutes?

An hour?


I try with all my might. I try to use the smile on my face to hide the fear, laughter to mask the panic. But what are you to do when such terror is a heart beat away.

OK, I survived a few more steps, a handful of heart beats, a short count of breaths.

What next? When will the Beast drag me back down to Hell?

A Hell I know all to well.

A Hell with a room reserved just for me.

The Beast peaks out from behind a rock. A claw stretches out over the cliff's edge.

Is this it?

I run, but there is no running. I try to hide, but there is no hiding.

The Beast is within Me.

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