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I was so much older then I'm younger than that now


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I'm a new guy here, although I've been lurking on the CH site for a long time. I've had Clusters for the past 8 yrs and I've tried just about all the treatments recommended. The only things that seem to work are imitrex injections and Varapimil, which i'm not too fond of the side effects. I work at a hospital and my neuro is 20ft away from my desk. Although he is a good doc, I don't think he really understands what I'm going through.

I'm about ready to make the leap to mushrooms. I've done a lot of experimenting in my teens to early twenties with Psychedelics. I play music and have been in many Psych/shoegaze bands for the past 20 yrs but have laid off of hallucinogens for the past 15 yrs or so. I'm looking for any support I can get, moral or technical.

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Welcome!  In terms of technical support, look at the numbered files in the "ClusterBuster Files" section of this board--particularly #1 ("The ClusterBuster Method"), #4, and #6.  Here's a link to #4: https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128444  Of course, ask any questions you have -- you'll get help.  But the files are a very good place to start.

You'll have to be "detoxed" from the imitrex for at least five days before you bust.  Many people have some success with busting while still taking verapamil.  What's your current dosage?  Also, be sure you are not taking any other meds that might block busting (that's all in file #6).

Does oxygen not work for you?  (Our general assumption here is that oxygen works for virtually anyone, and that those who think it doesn't work for them probably aren't using it right.)  It's very valuable while you're "detoxing" from other meds.   

And have you tried the vitamin D3 program?  It has helped a whole lot of people: https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804

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Thanks Father,

Yes, I do use oxygen. But I'm unable to abort unless a I catch it early. I will give the Vitamin D3 program a shot! Otherwise, I have read up on the resources provided here. I definitely will not use imitrex for 5 days. I think my cluster cycle is nearing it's end for now so I'll have time to prepare for when it comes back in the next couple months.

Thank you again

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Hello All,

After eight straight weeks of this cycle,  today I have a lot crackling and popping in my ears.  I also notice that my left is swollen quite a bit...of course I was up half the night sucking on oxygen (6 hits during the night).  I am trying the D3 reg also.  After a week of taking the vitamins I had my level checked,  I was at 39.9.  Based on the info from Batch at CH.com I am not even halfway to the 85 that he says is what you want.  Does anyone else here get this popping and crackling inside your ears?  I am currently on trex (as I take it during the week in order to work) normally when I am on trex my head will feel normal.  These headaches suck!!!!!

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hey Spiny,

ok the million dollar question....when you got it up to 100 after months.  Did it help you?  How did you feel?  Pain Free?

being optimistic I am hoping the excessive popping and crackling are some sort of relief coming.  I really need some relief that's for sure.  But I am interested in your D3 response as far as...If you think it has helped or not.

Let me now   Thanks

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Yes, I do use oxygen. But I'm unable to abort unless a I catch it early.

You might look at the oxygen file under the MENU tab on the left side of the page to see whether there's something you could do to make your O2 more effective.  A lot of possibilities: O2ptimask, higher flow rate, different breathing strategy, energy drinks . . .  All have benefited many folks.  Very glad your cycle seems to be ending!!!

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