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It would appear that my only son has registered on this board. He messaged me with "I want to learn more and share this with you, obviously not the pain, but a chance for understanding and support. I love you".

He decided to call himself (Timmy,) when he is really Timothy Dean Rambow II and he only lets good friends call him Timmy. I guess that makes you all good friends. He has had to struggle with being a Clusterheads son since he was 12. He has always been there for me when I have been weak enough to ask but I have not done that very much.

I think that I have done my best to hide/minimize, BS my way through the times that I did not want him to know or worry about. I now think that I was wrong!

He is way smarter then I give him credit for, so be nice if he starts posting and don't....do not!!!! ask him for anything because he will give it to you even at his own peril. I do not make this up, that's just the way he is, you first him last .........

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Welcome Timmy .....

You will discover the whole domain of experience here.  Literally, from the most knowledgable clusterheads that have dealt with this for decades, to first-day noobs.  These folks have seen it all and been around the block. 

We are all absolutely dedicated to one single idea:  To put an end to this miserable crap that tortures our lives.  This very rare malady is why we associate in groups like this one ..... it always helps to talk to someone who understands.  Even most of our Doctors don't have a clue about CH.

Always amazed when Cluster Headaches get connected with the younger generation (let's say less than 30 years old).  Whether a sufferer, or supporter, these Generation X and Y's seem to have a greater potential for understanding and actually caring.  Way to many people I know (50+ yrs old), just won't have anything to do with you and most never believe the levels of pain encountered.

It might be the lack of human-to-human contact that technology offers us today as a mechanism for social connection, but these kids just get it right and are sincere about it.

I've been known to say ......... "We don't need a fountain of youth, we need a  fountain of  smart".  That's where you guys fit right in.

welcome again,

weatherman   8-)

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