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Cymbalta for CH control


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      I have been suffering with episodic CH for 20 yrs now, episodes happen almost once an year. For some reason I have never used oxygen, doctors never recommended it. I am currently on Verapamil and Cymbalta. Using Prodrin and Advil 400 - 600 mg to control headaches. 

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It's really hard to imagine that the prodrin and advil are helping you. I guess you would know.  The verapamil should help, and it's nice that the cymbalta does.  Oxygen is the #1 medically recommended abortive for CH attacks.  Many, or most, people here will tell you that it's a life-saver for them.  It's not completely surprising that doctors haven't recommended it, because when it comes to CH, most doctors don't have a clue.  This document about oxygen might be informative for you:  https://clusterbusters.org/oxygen-information/


Many, many people get very good results from the vitamin D3 regimen.  I think you should consider it.  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/


Also, many people find that drinking some kind of energy shot or energy drink at the first sign of an attack will often reduce the severity of the attack, or even abort it. Five-Hour Energy or one of those shots can be quite effective.


Melatonin at night, too.  Starting at 6-9mg and working up as needed.


Some of these things might help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wanted to update everyone that Cyambalta 60mg has controlled my CH. I have been fighting this cycle for 2 months and good to have relief. One side effect that I am having is insomnia, but ir has not bothered me that much. Thanks CHfather for above comments....I have also started in D3. 


For those fighting CH....please keep fighting, there could be some thing that will work for you.

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