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Felt all alone until now

Helpless wife

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My husband suffers from these awful headaches. He was diagnosed about 3 yrs ago,finally. The doctors from our town didn't have a clue what he was suffering from. He was prescribed prednisone to start with and when that didn't help the doctor said to try one more script of it.....UGG!! I finally talked him into switching doctor's. The new one put him on sumatripton and unfortunately that doesn't work either. My husband is a pretty tuff man but these literally bring our entire life to a stop when he is having one. I feel so helpless because he hurts so bad with them and I can't stop his pain. I know now that we are not alone. The long sleepless nights after a attack can now be spent with you,as stupid as that may sound. Thanks for whoever started this site. Your God sent.

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It's late here, so just a few questions/suggestions for now.

Does he have oxygen?  That's the #1 thing he should have.  Look through the document here for an overview: https://clusterbusters.org/oxygen-information/ If he doesn't have oxygen, he's not treating his CH.

What kind of sumatriptan was he using: injection, nasal spray, or pill?  Big big difference in effectiveness.

He should very seriously consider starting the vitamin D3 regimen right away: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/

Has he tried an energy shot (such as 5-Hour Energy) at the first sign of an attack?  It can abort an attack or reduce the severity.

Many people here have experienced great success with "busting" -- using psychedelic substances, often at non-hallucinogenic levels, to end cycles.  The numbered files in the ClusterBuster Files section of the board will give you more information about the basics of busting.

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CHF has gotten you off to a great start on questions and information. We have and use several methods to get thru the hits or to abort them. O2 being the most important to most sufferers.


Is your husband chronic or episodic? And is his new doctor a neurologist or headache specialist? Most doctors DO not know how to treat this condition unfortunately. That makes this site a real treasure trove of information. Many of us were in the same position as your husband when we got here. Daily hits with little to zero relief. And that made life really suck. Nothing like another clusterhead to understand his pain and yours as well.


We love our supporters. They go thru their own suffering just watching, unable to help. Read and question. We are here to help. And yes, I do understand what you mean regarding the long sleepless nights and now having this site to fill some of that time and gain knowledge as you go. It was how I spent many a sleepless painful night not so many years ago.





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Your husband is very lucky to have someone who cares about him so much. Its great youre researching releif for him. Im sure its hard to see someone you love in the pain of a ch.

I was first prescribed the sumatriptan pills which were completely ineffective and switched the spray which is very effective. I wanted the shot but my doctor is reluctant prescribe it due to past addictions. I told her I'm only concerned with stopping the pain. I am currently looking for a specialist because I am recently diagnosed even though I am a long time sufferer.

Topiramate has been extremely successful for the first two weeks I took it but since Friday I have been under attack using 2/6 sprays that I just got. I don't pussy foot it with the spray, I need to be hurting to use it. I went almost 2 weeks without a headache which was making me feel very hopeful because since March it's been terrible. I forgot a dose or two of the topiramate on thursday/friday. Can that trigger headaches? Today was such a bad day :( I hate the way I feel after wards. I'm so tired I can't get the remote to turn the TV on. I'm too tired to walk my dog which depresses me more.

I really need to get an oxygen setup as you should as well. The pain relief is well worth the money as its a super safe treatment if it's effective for your husband.

Sorry to turn my reply into a rant and questions.

Have a great evening :)


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Sorry I can't answer your question about the missed topiramate dose.

Here's a list of recommended doctors.  https://clusterbusters.org/cluster-resources/

Are you doing the D3 regimen?  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/

Have you tried an energy shot to abort?

What are you going to do to get O2?  If you can't get it from a doctor, will you try welding O2?

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