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underlying infection


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I am new here and I am just curious..Have any of you ever thought or sought out the possibility that CH initially and/or is made worse by underlying infections in the body? Also, I find that when I am sick or going to get sick, my headaches increase in frequency and tend to be more intense leading me to believe that maybe CH are somehow linked to immune system disorders or issues...I know its a shot in the dark and that many of you are probably tired of trying to figure out the when's, the why's, the how's but with me being recently diagnosed, I am desperate to find any sort of trigger or link. 


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I have not found this to be the case for me.


On the other hand, being sick is stressful. Stress can play a big role in CH for some. So, they might have the common denominator of stress perhaps?


Keep asking questions. We all learn by them and we have been where you are right now in years past. :)  There is not a single CHer who does not want to know why they occur and how to prevent or stop them. Nothing like having a disorder with no known exact cause or cure to send you into research!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 54 and over the past 35 plus years I have came to learn what they mean with the term "practicing medicine" how many times have you had a doctor tell you this medicine has shown promise so take this and tell me what it does? I am suprised that I have a healthy organ left in my body. The question becomes quality of life vrs length of life?

Thank god for this site. I took the leap of faith and stopped taking Diltiazem and stated the busting process. I finished my third day of the bust on Dec 20, I have been CH free since.

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